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The Angry Fan

Stock Car Racing

The Angry Fan

Jeremy T. Sellers
Jerm's Joint
September 9, 2009

How about Atlanta? What the hell happened to Jr at the end? You can run top five for the second half of the race only to end up 17th. I can speak for myself in saying that Dale Jr. fans are getting frustrated and it's time we are given answers as to whose head is up whose rear end. Personally, I'm looking forward to next season. This one is a wash. The racing was boring, the cars were boring, even the drivers were boring. The top 35 rule is a pharse, and what's up with Dave Blaney and Joe Nemechek starting a race, only to run about 20 laps and making some cry baby excuse to park their rides? You think I'm the only one to take notice? Try listening to Rusty Wallace or pick up the latest issue of Racing Milestones and you will get an appreciation for what I'm speaking. Television viewing is down so that takes the blame away from the economy for lack of fanship, viewership, whatever. Fans are bored. Maybe "bored" isn't the correct word, PISSED should be thrown in there, perhaps.

We shell out money left and right for tickets and merchandise to be entertained. NASCAR has failed us in this department. My wife refers to the sport at "NAPCAR" when it is on the tube, because she usually falls asleep somewhere after the first ten laps. I have found myself victim of the same. Nodding off, only to find that I haven't missed much. Did I see that right Sunday? At one time only eight cars on the lead lap? THIS is quality racing? Gimme a break! Seemingly, all we can do is take it on the chin, watch it or don't, participate or walk away, buy stuff, or spend our money somewhere else, NASCAR doesn't seem to care much. One would think that sooner or later they would HAVE to. How many more fans is it going to take turning away from what was once great to make them realize a massive overhaul is mandatory?

I'm good at ranting, and every once in a while, I can write a good article, too! This week, I have taken it upon myself to be the voice of many a fan. Some will disagree. God Bless America! That's what it is all about. I will admit that the Atlanta race was much better than those events of recent, but to me it still wasn't what I had come to know as a race at AMS. Someone sitting at a huge desk at NASCAR sporting their three-piece suit needs to bump some heads together and get creative, hell, innovative, pretty damn quick, or we will all be gone!

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