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U.S. Transportation Secretary Mineta Announces $5.3 Million for Michigan Transportation Projects

American Government Topics:  Norman Mineta

U.S. Transportation Secretary Mineta Announces $5.3 Million for Michigan Transportation Projects

Federal Highway Administration
4 May 2004

Tuesday, May 4, 2004
Contact: Lori Irving, Telephone: (202) 366-0660
FHWA 5-04g

U.S. Transportation Secretary Norman Y. Mineta today announced that newly released funds from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) will help reduce congestion, enhance safety and improve traffic flow at key transportation projects around the state. The Bush administration is providing more than $5.3 million for new interchange construction at Interstate 96 and Latson Road in Howell, replacement of the Trenton Channel Bridge in Wayne County and nine other Michigan transportation projects.

"Investing in Michigan's highways is the best way to get people to their jobs, families to their homes and goods to market," Secretary Mineta said.

Several of the projects will ease congestion on some of the state's most heavily traveled roads. The Bush administration has slated $1.6 million for technology that will provide travelers in the Great Lakes region with information to improve commutes and expedite just-in-time delivery.

Other projects include more than $231,000 for replacement of the Trenton Channel Bridge in Wayne County and more than $675,000 for the reconstruction and widening of Broadway Road on the Chippewa Tribe Isabella Reservation.

"The funding we're announcing today is an investment by President Bush in the transportation infrastructure of Michigan and the region," said FHWA Administrator Mary Peters. "The President understands that these investments are important to our quality of life and to keep our economy moving."

The following table shows the programs and projects funded by these grants.

Borders and Corridors 782,854
Ten Mile at Middlebelt Road Intersection Safety 115,978
Tienken Road Bridge over the Paint Creek, Rochester Hills 434,919
Trenton Channel Bridge Replacement, Wayne County 231,957
Interstate Maintenance 434,919
I-96/Latson Road Interchange 434,919
ITS 3,293,927
Altarum Restricted Use Technology Study 944,979
Great Lakes ITS 1,619,964
Amber Alert Multi-Regional Strategic Plan 215,995
Detroit Metro Airport ITS 188,996
Macomb County ITS Integration 323,993
Public Lands 678,797
Saginaw Chippewa Transportation Improvement Project 678,797
Transportation and Community and System Preservation Pilot Program 121,777
Woodward Avenue Livable Community Project 121,777


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