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Seat Belt Violators Not Safe Even During The Night

Seat Belt Violators Not Safe Even During The Night

Anthony Fontanelle
May 22, 2007

Most drivers would not even think of following street rules and road laws when the day turns into night. After all, who would be thinking of following such rules and ordinances when most people are not even out on the street? Even police officers seem not to be that visible when the night comes.

But then again, even if your vehicle comes equipped with EBC pads, it is very essential that one follows all road and street rules. And if you think that police officers are not alert during the dark hours, then you should start changing that thought. You see, this time around, our officers are going to be even more visible even during the night.

One of the rules that are constantly not followed when the sun gives way to the moon is the use of seat belts. And if you are one of those perennial offenders of the seat belt rule, then you may want to start thinking about your safety. You see, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has set out the results of a new research that they did. According to their study, motor vehicle crashes that happen during the night are three times riskier than those that happen during the day. And as much as you ignore your seat belts, this fact now is a good reason for you to start putting them back on and give you that safety you need when driving down a dark road.

As part of the results of this study, the NHTSA is sending off yet another interesting campaign. And this one goes by the name ‘Click It or Ticket’ and it is a “seat belt crackdown campaign”. This program has been done yearly but this time around, the program would even be focusing more on the nighttime offenders.

Nicole R. Nason is the administrator of the NHTSA and she shares, “It’s alarming that fewer people are buckling up at night, a time when the odds of being killed in a motor vehicle crash triple. This year, law enforcement officials will be ticketing violators who are not wearing their seat belts, especially during the evening hours.”

In conclusion, she states, “The annual Click It or Ticket campaign has helped increase seat belt use for over a decade, but despite these gains, too many of our family and friends continue to die on our roadways. Not wearing your seat belt, day or night, is a huge and unnecessary gamble.”

Source:  Amazines.com

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