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The Two-Step Plan to An Enviable and Clean Vehicle

The Two-Step Plan to An Enviable and Clean Vehicle

Lucy Wyndham
16 October 2018

1957 Chevrolet Bel Air in Sydney, Australia
When you're proud of your vehicle, whether it's a late-model SUV or a carefully restored classic, you want other people to see the beauty of your vehicle as well. Unfortunately, slacking off on maintenance and cleaning is the best way to underwhelm people with the appearance of your vehicle. Taking a little bit of time to maintain the look of your car every day can optimize your enjoyment of the vehicle as well as how people view it.

The Exterior Is the First Thing People See

You don't have to go to a carwash to get that perfect gleaming exterior. You can do a car wash at home that ensures a perfect finish on your car. That way, you know you're using the right fabrics (buffing or microfiber cloths) for your paint, the right soap, and the right kind of wax. Using a car washing soap is an important first step, which you should follow with carefully wiping down the vehicle with clean mitts or microfiber cloths.

Then, you can add topical wax. You may also want to hit any special areas, like chrome mirrors or hubcaps, with special sealants or cleaning agents. Make sure you wash the windows as well. Doing this roughly once a month can help ensure that your vehicle looks amazing from the outside.

A Little Daily Effort Keeps Your Interior Pristine

The interior of your vehicle can get messy very quickly. People often perform a lot of life tasks inside their car, from eating a meal on the go to sorting out papers for a business meeting. Letting all of that mess build up is a major mistake that can turn cleaning the interior of your car into a frustrating experience.

Taking a minute or two at the end of each day to empty out trash from your vehicle is the easiest way to keep the interior clean. Then, once a month, when you wash the vehicle with non-toxic natural cleaners; you can also vacuum out the interior. Washing windows on the inside and the dashboard is also a great way to keep the inside of your car looking and smelling its best.

Planning to add an hour-long car wash and wax to your monthly schedule, as well as a few minutes of tidying up to your daily routine, can do a lot for the appearance of your car. If you regularly maintain and clean it, you won't have to worry about it being a major project. Be sure to change your oil, filters, brake pads, wipers, and tires as necessary too.

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