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Tips for Effectively Filming Fast-Paced Autosports

Tips for Effectively Filming Fast-Paced Autosports

Lucy Wyndham
30 October 2018

James Hinchcliffe at Sonoma
Whether you simply want to pick up motorsports photography as a hobby or even turn it into a lucrative side job, there are many opportunities to turn it into something more than simply a past time. In fact, sports photographers can make over $30,000 simply by selling their photographs. However, there are other benefits as well. Building an impressive automotive library means having to photograph and film motorsports in some capacity. While it might appear to be as simple as pointing and shooting the camera at the cars time and time again to get the right shot, there are better ways to go about filming action sports that can result in an outstanding product.

Photography Equipment for Motorsports

Whether you’re shooting photographs or video, you’ll likely be shooting the cars from the stands or roadside, meaning you won’t be too close to the action. In order to get shots that look clear, tight and focused, you’ll want to have a telephoto lens. It will be even better and more effective if you can find and image-stabilized lens and sports camera to ensure the shots aren’t too blurry, especially if you are shooting a video. If you’re new to photography and filming, ask your local electronics store or camera shop for a lens that has s range between 70mm and 300mm. It is recommended to also invest in a simple tripod if you’re shooting a video and this will ensure the shots are stable regardless of weather, wind and shaky hands.

Quick Tips for Action Photography

If you are new to filming motorsports, you will want to ensure you’re patient when starting out as it takes a while to get it just right. For inspiration on angles and other video and photography ideas, it’s smart to browse through magazines to see what professional photographers are doing. Watch videos of professional or amateur racing to get ideas on shots and techniques, or seek out criticism and help from others interested in filming auto races. It’s also important to remember that, while the event is fast-paced, your shooting doesn’t have to be. Slow down, focus on quality shots, move around, check different angles and ensure you’re enjoying the shots or footage you are getting. Start with a shutter speed of around 1/500th of a second and head to a slow corner for a perfect shot.

Safety Tips for Filming Races

If you are going to head to the pits in order to get closeups or other interesting shots, you’ll want to follow all of their rules and regulations as well as ensure you have the proper safety gear on. Always stay behind roped off or gated areas as they are there for your own safety. It is recommended to always have earplugs at any racing event and, depending on the terrain, protective eye goggles to prevent any debris flying into your eyes.

Contributing to an Automotive Library

There are few better ways to contribute to a growing automotive library than by preserving races and racers in the form of photographs or video. The more that you can contribute to the preservation and collection of motorsports around the world, the more that you can help to give back to a community dedicated to learning about the industry as a whole. So, next time you head to an event, try picking up a camera or camcorder and filming what’s around you. You might be surprised at how cool it turns out.

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