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What Are The Different Factors That Affect Prices For Shipping A Car?

What Are The Different Factors That Affect Prices For Shipping A Car?

Kate Barton
20 September 2012

Just like any other product, there are many separate elements - both within the company and outside of it - that can affect the prices charged for shipping a car. However, most people seem to think that distance is the only thing that dictates car shipping rates, and while distance truly does play a major role, it's not the only factor that influences prices. To help you understand how car shipping companies determine the prices for their services, provided below is an outline of the most important factors that can affect the cost of shipping:

Kind of car being transported - Most transport companies will tell you that the cost for shipping a car depends a great deal on its weight. This is partly true, especially since the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration places limits on the size and weight of a transport carrier. However, it's necessary to note that car shippers will not weigh your car using a scale to determine how heavy it really is; rather, they will just estimate the weight of a car based on the model and make. For example, SUVs are much bigger than sedans or hatchbacks, and will thus probably weigh more. Because they take up extra weight that could have been used to accommodate other cars, bigger vehicles are often charged higher prices.

Distance or location for delivery - Shipping entails the use of fuel, and shipping long distance will definitely use up more fuel than transporting cars to a nearby location. In addition to fuel consumption, shipping will also cause damage or wear-and-tear to carriers and delivery trucks. These vehicles have to undergo repairs or maintenance later, and the cost for such will have to be accounted for.

Type of carrier to be used - Shipping a car comes with the risk of exposing your beloved vehicle to the elements. Car shipping carriers come in three different types, the open truck, the closed soft-side carrier, and the closed hard-side type, and these carriers offer three different levels of protection during transport. The open carrier provides the weakest defense against damage, while the closed hard-side carrier offers the best guarantee against the elements. Needless to say, a higher level of protection entails a higher cost of shipping.

External factors - There are certain things beyond a car company's control that influence car shipping rates, such as the weather and fluctuations in the prices of fuel. The kind of weather determines the risk of shipping (rainy or winter seasons are deemed high risk) and to alleviate the damages that may be suffered during such conditions, a car shipper may opt to charge more.

Going for the best shipping company is something that one should not rush. Keep in mind that this selection process of shipping a car will determine the fate of your vehicle when it's on the road.

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