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Wichita Man Sentenced For Carjacking

American Government

Wichita Man Sentenced For Carjacking

U.S. Attorney’s Office, District of Kansas
3 February 2020


WICHITA, KAN. – A Wichita man was sentenced today to 70 months in federal prison on a federal carjacking conviction, U.S. Attorney Stephen McAllister said.

Zachary Ausdemore, 30, Wichita, Kan., pleaded guilty to one count of carjacking. In his plea, he admitted that on Sept. 10, 2019, he confronted an elderly couple and threatened to kill them unless they gave him the keys to their car.

The incident began earlier that day when Wichita police responded to a report of a stolen Jeep. Ausdemore was a passenger in the stolen jeep with two other people. When police tried to stop the Jeep, the driver accelerated toward an officer. An officer fired at the car, wounding Ausdemore and the driver. When the car stopped, Ausdemore fled on foot. He ran to the house of the elderly couple, who were outside watching the chase, and took the keys to their Honda CRV. Police pursued Ausdemore until he ran the car into a muddy ditch.

McAllister commended the FBI, the Wichita Police Department and Assistant U.S. Attorney Mona Furst for their work on the case.

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