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Speaker: Congressman Bennie G. Thompson
Publication: Congressional Record
Date: 12 May 2020
Subjects: American Government , Trucking
Topic: Deborah Wright

Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Madam Speaker, I rise today to honor a tenacious and ambitious woman, Deborah Wright, who has shown what can be done through hard work, dedication and a desire to serve others.

Deborah was born to the late Mr. Lee Grant Bridges and Mrs. Lutishia Bridges on November 6, 1961 in Rosedale, MS. She attended Marshall Elementary, Brinkley Jr. High and Hinds A.H.S. then crossed over to Hinds Jr. College in Utica, MS.

Deborah Wright married in 1981 and two loving children, Laquita Shonta Sampson and Lawrence Douglas Sampson Jr., were born.

In 1995, Mrs. Wright received her Real Estate Degree from the Mississippi Realtors Institute in Jackson MS. With an unwavering passion to improve her community, create balanced mental health care regimes, and to encourage others to excel past adversity, Deborah became the epitome of women in business leadership. She has established herself as a trailblazer in the business industry for over 30 years with entrepreneurial experience in the state of Mississippi. After college in 1981 Deborah Wright was employed by Milwaukee Electric Tools as a repair person. In 1992, she incorporated her first business, Teen's World Activity and Community Center, which is a non-profit organization. In 1992, Deborah worked as the Public Relations Officer for Operation Shoestring, Inc. and later Deborah partnered with her mother, Lutishia Bridges and opened ``Linda's Florist and Gift Shop'' in Jackson in 1996 and she also worked in transportation for Jackson Public School District.

Mrs. Wright rose against adversity by becoming the first African American woman in the world and sole proprietor of Mississippi Truck Driving Training, Inc., located in Jackson, Mississippi. After closing the truck driving school Deborah started Sincere Trucking. She wittingly coined its name from her late grandson, Master Sincere Rachele Christian.

This Bolivar County native has always exhibited visionary strength, while achieving a ripple effect of empowerment for future endeavors within the Health Care Industries. She later started Sincere Home Care, LLC in June 2013, certified and licensed with MS Department of Mental Health and MS Health Department to provide a complement of services to the community. She patterned her mission statement after her non-profit organization: Helping Other People Excel (H. O. P. E.). She developed her companies to offer a solution for the need of a permanent mediator between mental health and health care.

Deborah is not a stranger to blazing paths; she is motivated by the belief to insure a healthy standard of care for every client. She has vowed to ensure that Sincere Home Care LLC would become a pillar of major change for the impoverished and unhealthy in every county in Mississippi. Her goal is to provide first-rate employment opportunities as well as outstanding health care services for all social classes. Some of her services include: Assisted Living; Supervised Living; Sincere Home Care, LLC: a Mental Health Headquarter which includes: Community Mental Health & Substance Abuse and Recovery, Supported Living, Community Respite, Peer Support, Disabled & Developmental Disabled Community Support, Home Nursing Respite, Private Duty Nursing and Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy; three Adult Day Service Centers: in Jackson, Louisville and Morton, MS.

Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me in recognizing Mrs. Deborah Wright for her passion and dedication to serving many people and having the desire to make a difference in the communities.

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