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Smoother ride with Saturn strut

Topics:  Saturn

Smoother ride with Saturn strut

Anthony Fontanelle
August 15, 2007

All motorists want to have a comfortable ride. They wouldn't want it to be compared to Fred Flinstones' car, which just by the look of it is not as comfortable as cars today. People now have struts to rely on.

Back when they were starting out in 1989, Saturn's initial motto, "A different kind of company, a different kind of car," has become their basis as they build comfortable vehicles. These vehicles were made of quality parts like the Saturn strut which is responsible for the comfortable riding experience one enjoys. The Saturn strut is designed to keep tires on the road. It is also tasked to control the action as the spring resist bumps when hitting humps and driving through potholes. A smooth ride is achieved as the Saturn strut gives the vehicle quality dampening.

Struts are usually located on front of a vehicle unlike the shocks, which are placed at the rear. They don't just give a smooth and enjoyable ride, they also affect the handling of any vehicle. It will be very hard to drive a vehicle without a strut. It will only give any driver what they hate the most, a bouncy ride.

A Saturn strut does its job by by pulling a hydraulic fluid through the valves in the piston as it moves up and down. Only a little amount of fluid can be forced through the valves, which then creates resistance to the vehicle’s movement which allowing the driver to easily maneuver the vehicle in any type of road.

All Saturn parts are made from tough and durable materials but because of the condition the Saturn strut is working in, it may eventually wear out. Motorists would need to properly maintain this particular part to continuously enjoy a smooth and hassle free ride. A well maintained strut also mean an effective braking system. The usual sign of a defective struts are leaks,tire cupping or loose struts. If problems arise, a professional mechanic should look at it immediately.

Source:  Amazines.com

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