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Notice of Receipt of Petition for Decision That Nonconforming Model Year 2018 Indian Scout Motorcycles Are Eligible for Importation

American Government Motorcycles Topics:  Indian Scout

Notice of Receipt of Petition for Decision That Nonconforming Model Year 2018 Indian Scout Motorcycles Are Eligible for Importation

Otto G. Matheke III
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
28 May 2020

[Federal Register Volume 85, Number 103 (Thursday, May 28, 2020)]
[Pages 32100-32101]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2020-11391]



National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

[Docket No. NHTSA-2019-0047; Notice 1]

Notice of Receipt of Petition for Decision That Nonconforming 
Model Year 2018 Indian Scout Motorcycles Are Eligible for Importation

AGENCY: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Department of 
Transportation (DOT).

ACTION: Receipt of petition.


SUMMARY: This document announces the National Highway Traffic Safety 
Administration (NHTSA) receipt of a petition for a decision that model 
year (MY) 2018 Indian Scout motorcycles that were not originally 
manufactured to comply with all applicable Federal motor vehicle safety 
standards (FMVSS), are eligible for importation into the United States 
because they are substantially similar to vehicles that were originally 
manufactured for sale in the United States and that were certified by 
their manufacturer as complying with the safety standards (the U.S.-
certified version of the 2018 Indian Scout motorcycles) and are capable 
of being readily altered to conform to the standards.

DATES: The closing date for comments on the petition is June 29, 2020.

ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit written data, 
views, and arguments on this petition. Comments must refer to the 
docket and notice number cited in the title of this notice and may be 
submitted by any of the following methods:
     Mail: Send comments by mail addressed to the U.S. 
Department of Transportation, Docket Operations, M-30, West Building 
Ground Floor, Room W12-140, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC 
     Hand Delivery: Deliver comments by hand to the U.S. 
Department of Transportation, Docket Operations, M-30, West Building 
Ground Floor, Room W12-140, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC 
20590. The Docket Section is open on weekdays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 
except for Federal Holidays.
     Electronically: Submit comments electronically by logging 
onto the Federal Docket Management System (FDMS) website at https://www.regulations.gov/. Follow the online instructions for submitting 
     Comments may also be faxed to (202) 493-2251.
    Comments must be written in the English language, and be no greater 

[[Page 32101]]

15 pages in length, although there is no limit to the length of 
necessary attachments to the comments. If comments are submitted in 
hard copy form, please ensure that two copies are provided. If you wish 
to receive confirmation that comments you have submitted by mail were 
received, please enclose a stamped, self-addressed postcard along with 
the comments. Note that all comments received will be posted without 
change to https://www.regulations.gov, including any personal 
information provided.
    All comments and supporting materials received before the close of 
business on the closing date indicated above will be filed in the 
docket and will be considered. All comments and supporting materials 
received after the closing date will also be filed and will be 
considered to the fullest extent possible.
    All comments, background documentation, and supporting materials 
submitted to the docket may be viewed by anyone at the address and 
times given above. The documents may also be viewed on the internet at 
https://www.regulations.gov by following the online instructions for 
accessing the dockets. The docket ID number for this petition is shown 
in the heading of this notice.
    DOT's complete Privacy Act Statement is available for review in a 
Federal Register notice published on April 11, 2000, (65 FR 19477-78).

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Robert Mazurowski, Office of Vehicle 
Safety Compliance, NHTSA (202-366-1012).



    Under 49 U.S.C. 30141(a)(1)(A), a motor vehicle that was not 
originally manufactured to conform to all applicable FMVSS shall be 
refused admission into the United States unless NHTSA has decided that 
the motor vehicle is substantially similar to a motor vehicle 
originally manufactured for importation into and sale in the United 
States, certified under 49 U.S.C. 30115, and of the same MY as the 
model of the motor vehicle to be compared, and is capable of being 
readily altered to conform to all applicable FMVSS.
    Petitions for eligibility decisions may be submitted by either 
manufacturers or importers who have registered with NHTSA pursuant to 
49 CFR part 592. As specified in 49 CFR 593.7, NHTSA publishes notice 
of each petition that it receives in the Federal Register, and affords 
interested persons an opportunity to comment on the petition. At the 
close of the comment period, NHTSA decides, on the basis of the 
petition and any comments that it has received, whether the vehicle is 
eligible for importation. The agency then publishes this decision in 
the Federal Register.
    Skytop Rover Co., (Registered Importer R-6-343), of Philadelphia, 
Pennsylvania has petitioned NHTSA to decide whether nonconforming MY 
2018 Indian Scout motorcycles are eligible for importation into the 
United States. The vehicles which Skytop Rover Co. believes are 
substantially similar are MY 2018 Indian Scout motorcycles sold in the 
United States and certified by their manufacturer as conforming to all 
applicable FMVSS and are capable of being readily altered to conform to 
all applicable FMVSS.
    Skytop Rover Co. submitted information with its petition intended 
to demonstrate that non-U.S. certified MY 2018 Indian Scout 
motorcycles, as originally manufactured, conform to many applicable 
FMVSS, or are capable of being readily altered to conform to those 
standards. Specifically, the petitioner claims that the non-U.S. 
certified MY 2018 Indian Scout motorcycles, as originally manufactured, 
conform to: FMVSS Nos. 106, Brake Hoses, 108, Lamps, Reflective 
Devices, and Associated Equipment, 111, Rear Visibility, 116, Motor 
Vehicle Brake Fluids, 119, New Pneumatic Tires for Motor Vehicles with 
a GVWR of More Than 4,536 kilograms (10,000 pounds) and Motorcycles, 
122, Motorcycle Brake Systems, 123, Motorcycle Controls and Displays, 
205, Glazing Materials, and the requirements of 49 CFR part 565, 
Vehicle Identification Requirements.
    The petitioner also contends that the subject non-U.S. certified 
vehicles are capable of being readily altered to meet the following 
FMVSS, in the manner indicated:
    FMVSS No. 120, Tire Selection and Rims and Motor Home/Recreation 
Vehicle Trailer Load Carrying Capacity Information for Motor Vehicles 
with a GVWR of More Than 4,536 kilograms (10,000 pounds): A tire 
placard will be added.

(Authority: 49 U.S.C. 30141(a)(1)(A), (a)(1)(B), and (b)(1); 49 CFR 
593.7; delegation of authority at 49 CFR 1.95 and 501.8)

Otto G. Matheke III,
Director, Office of Vehicle Safety Compliance.
[FR Doc. 2020-11391 Filed 5-27-20; 8:45 am]

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