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Lee Motors To Open New Home Thursday

Topics:  Lee Motors, Wilbert Lee

Lee Motors To Open New Home Thursday

The Daily Record (Dunn, North Carolina)
20 May 1952 (Afternoon Edition)

Everything was in readiness today for the grand opening of the beautiful new building which houses Lee Motors of Dunn, Inc. and Lee's Truck Terminal on the Fayetteville Highway.

Lee Motors of Dunn, North CarolinaLEE MOTORS' NEW BUILDING — Pictured here is the beautiful new home of Lee Motors of Dunn and Lee's Truck Terminal, located on the Fayetteville Highway. The formal opening has been set for Thursday morning at 9:30 o'clock. Pictured below is Wilbert Lee, owner and president of the progressive Dunn concern. (Daily Record Photos.) Wilbert Lee
Mayor Ralph E. Hanna and President Clarence McLamb of the Chamber of Commerce will formally open the new building Thursday morning at 9:30 ond a full day's activity will follow.

The progressive Dunn concern is owned and operated by Wilbert Lee, who is president of the company. His son, George Perry Lee, who will celebrate his 21st birthday on the day of the opening, is vice president and general manager, and Mrs. Lee is secretary-treasurer and office manager.


Lee Motors now has the exclusive franchise here for Oldsmobile, Cadillac and GMC trucks.

Lee's Truck Terminal is one of the largest Esso dealers in this section and also has the exclusive franchise for U. S. Tire.

Mr. Lee founded the business here in 1944 and it has shown continuous growth and progress.

A brief ceremony will mark the opening Thursday night, with brief remarks by Mr. Lee, Mayor Hanna Mr. McLamb, Mrs. Lee and several of the visiting dignitaries.

Beginning at 10:30, piano music will be furnished by Jerry Ball, a master of the piano who is also a special representative of the Esso Standard Oil Company in Charlotte.


There will be a pretty rose for all who adult ladies who attend, free baloons for the children and free Coca-colas for everybody.

There will also be many beautiful, useful and valuable prizes to be given away at the drawing Thursday night at 8 o'clock. These prizes will include Motorola radios, free tires, tubes and other accessories, gas and fuel, free service, and such nice gifts as toasters and other

Many officials representing the automotive field and allied industries will be present for the opening.

Some of the officials are already here and the others will begin arriving tomorrow.

The opening will take place Thursday morning at 9:30 o'clock and will continue throughout the day.

E. D. Ruth of Charlotte, Oldsmobile zone manager for the two Carolinas, will head the group of Oldsmobile officials coming for the event. Others will include: R. E. Gifford of Charlotte, assistant zone manager; George Davenport of Charlotte, service manager, and Lowell F. Liles of Fayetteville, district manager.

Coming from Cadillac are: Wilson Uzzle of Durham, the distributor for this section; T. L. Woodhouse of the Raleigh office, Harry Hutchins of Durham, parts manager for the distributor, and Karl Eichanauer of Washington, D. C., Cadillac service representative.

District Sales Representative Dallas Branch will represent the U. S. Rubber Co. and U. S. Tires at the opening.

Jerry Ball of Charlotte, special representative of Esso Standard Oil Company, will be present and will provide piano music throughout the day and evening.

GMC officials who will be present include: L. S. Graham of Raleigh, branch manager; R. S. Andrews, dealer-relations manager; A. M. Beck, Jr., territorial manager, and Charles N. Chestnutt, field representative and T. L. Nesbitt of Wrightsville Beach.

Motor Insurance Corporation will have two of its district officials present. They are: J. H. Wheeler of Raleigh, sales representative, and T. T. Durrett, manager of the Raleigh office.

Various other city and Chamber of Commerce officials will also be on hand for the opening.

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