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Notice Pursuant to the National Cooperative Research and Production Act of 1993--Electrified Vehicle and Energy Storage Evaluation

American Government

Notice Pursuant to the National Cooperative Research and Production Act of 1993--Electrified Vehicle and Energy Storage Evaluation

Suzanne Morris
Department of Justice
15 October 2020

[Federal Register Volume 85, Number 200 (Thursday, October 15, 2020)]
[Page 65423]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2020-22856]



Antitrust Division

Notice Pursuant to the National Cooperative Research and 
Production Act of 1993--Electrified Vehicle and Energy Storage 

    Notice is hereby given that, on September 24, 2020, pursuant to 
Section 6(a) of the National Cooperative Research and Production Act of 
1993, 15 U.S.C. 4301 et seq. (``the Act''), Electrified Vehicle and 
Energy Storage Evaluation (``EVESE'') has filed written notifications 
simultaneously with the Attorney General and the Federal Trade 
Commission disclosing (1) the identities of the parties to the venture 
and (2) the nature and objectives of the venture. The notifications 
were filed for the purpose of invoking the Act's provisions limiting 
the recovery of antitrust plaintiffs to actual damages under specified 
    Pursuant to Section 6(b) of the Act, the identities of the parties 
to the venture are: Allison Transmission, Inc.[Lt]Client[Gt], 
Indianapolis, IN; BAE Systems Controls Inc., Endicott, NY; Castrol 
Limited, Pangbourne, England; Infineum USA L.P., Linden, NJ; Komatsu 
America Corp, Chicago, IL; Shell Global Systems (US) Inc., Wilmington, 
DE; and Underwriters Laboratories, Northbrook, IL.
    The general area of EVESE's planned activities are to test and 
analyze cutting-edge technology for electrified vehicles (plug-in 
hybrids and battery electric vehicles) to understand the performance of 
the battery cells and pack, the electric motor and operating strategies 
that maximize fuel economy, efficiency and range. Additionally, EVESE 
will conduct research focused on improving the performance and 
durability of lithium-ion batteries, electric motors and the 
electrified vehicle's powertrain as a whole.

Suzanne Morris,
Chief, Premerger and Division Statistics, Antitrust Division.
[FR Doc. 2020-22856 Filed 10-14-20; 8:45 am]

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