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Sure Fire for the Engine

Topics:  Audi

Sure Fire for the Engine

Anthony Fontanelle
September 21, 2007

Precise engineering enables Audi to set the pace in the automotive industry. Along with its heritage, Audi has been a consistent figure of reliability and efficiency. Reliability begins from the start. That’s why the Audi Distributor Rotor plays a key role. To understand this relation, one has to look at the vehicle ignition system. By the name itself, the said system’s purpose is to ignite the fuel at exactly the right time so that the expanding gases can do the maximum amount of work. An off-firing ignition system can cause power to fall and gas consumption and emissions to rise. When the fuel/air mixture in the cylinder burns, the temperature rises and the fuel is converted to exhaust gas.

Meanwhile, the quality of the Audi Distributor Rotor is evident in its role to distribute high voltage from the coil to the correct cylinder. The cap and rotor work together to make sure that this happens efficiently. The coil is connected to the Audi Distributor Rotor, which spins inside the cap, passing a series of contacts---one contact per cylinder. As the tip of the rotor passes each contact, a pulse of high-voltage is produced by the coil.

These Audi Engine Parts are the ones responsible for the engine's “sure fire.” Every component that makes up the ignition system, and the rest of the car's systems for that matter, all play vital roles together. When one Audi Engine Part ceases to function, it could mean real trouble. So one must take care of the Audi Engine Parts and maintain them through constant tune-ups. It might be a rare occurrence for an Audi to backfire, but anyone won’t surely take his or her chances.

Source:  Amazines.com

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