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Cold air intake: Fresh set of lungs for Mazda engine

Topics:  Mazda

Cold air intake: Fresh set of lungs for Mazda engine

Anthony Fontanelle
October 2, 2007

Cold air intakes are Mazda parts designed to harness more engine power and torque from the car. Like a fresh set of lungs for the car engine, the Mazda cold air intake draws in colder air from outside the engine compartment. It then mixes the fuel with the oxygen-filled air, resulting to an increased engine power. Letting your car breathe in new, denser oxygen-powered air enables it to “hypercharge” its internal combustion engine through the burning of better, cooler air. Hence, the significant improvement in combustion performance equates to greater engine power.

Installing a Mazda cold air intake system likewise improves the car’s upper power band with only a minuscule reduction of the power in the lower rev range with power gains in the 0-15 HP (horsepower) range. This process of increasing power and performance is made possible without increasing fuel consumption. Fuel efficiency is a natural by-product of the Mazda cold air intake’s inner workings while also maximizing the engine’s output at the same time. Cold air intakes have become a widespread add-on because they are affordable, easy to install, and improve engine sound significantly.

Cold air intakes are proven to run the car better than standard air filters attached to most Mazda engines. Due to its ideal position in the engine compartment, the Mazda cold air intakes get more access to colder air, unlike other intakes that let the air stay in the engine causing hotter air and high engine temperature. Compared to stock air filters, Mazda cold air intakes diffuse air quickly and consistently. Cold air intakes route plumbing away from hot underhood areas, and deliver air by means of a free-flowing air filter and smooth intake passages, delivering cooler, denser air in massive quantities, and at higher velocities to the car's throttle body.

Source:  Amazines.com

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