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Man Attempts to Rob Northeast Albuquerque Bank in Drive-Thru Lane

Agency: FBI Albuquerque
Date: 12 June 2017
Topic: Jeep Grand Cherokee

American Government

Public Affairs Specialist Frank Fisher
(505) 889-1438

The FBI and Albuquerque Police Department are looking for a man who attempted to rob a northeast Albuquerque bank on Monday afternoon, June 5, 2017.

The suspect is described as a white male in his mid- to late 20s. He wore a blue hooded sweatshirt and yellow and black gloves.

At approximately 4:50 p.m., the suspect used the drive-thru lane at New Mexico Bank & Trust, 3002 Louisiana Blvd. NE.

The suspect threatened a teller and demanded money.

The suspect left without any money.

A stolen car used by the suspect has been recovered.

The suspect possibly had a female accomplice.

Anyone with information about this attempted robbery is asked to call the FBI at (505) 889-1300, or Albuquerque Metro Crime Stoppers, anonymously, at (505) 843-STOP.

Tips can also be submitted online at tips.fbi.gov.

The FBI may pay a reward of up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the suspect.

Information about bank robbers wanted by the FBI can be found at bankrobbers.fbi.gov.

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