The Indianapolis Star
19 January 1908
Artists of five nations participated in decorating Madison Square Garden for the Importers' Salon.
The Russian war ministry has ordered a military automobile corps formed on the German model.
Chicago motorists are already moving to have the 1908 Glidden tour start from the Windy City.
Newcastle County, Delaware, has just issued $190,000 worth of bonds to raise money for road improvement.
A company for the manufacture of automobile appliances in large quantities has been formed at Pittsfield, Mass.
A company has been formed to conduct an automobile passenger and freight business between Buffalo, N. Y., and Niagara Falls.
The best method of washing tires consists in passing a damp sponge or well-wrung cloth around the covers. Kerosene should never be used.
To make a farmer an automobilist is like "killing two birds with one stone," for to put an automobile into the hands of a farmer is to make him a good roads advocate.
A large number of cars are now being employed commercially by farmers in Sonoma County, California, one of the principal wine-growing districts of the Pacific coast.
The Good Roads Association of Brooklyn and Long Island has become incorporated, now having sixty-five life members, 100 yearly members and $700 in the treasury.
At the recent Bourbon wedding in Europe one automobile concern alone furnished no less than fifty cars for the use of the guests. The cost of the service was more than $12,500.
The chief novelty of the seventh Belgian automobile salon at Brussels was a military car with an ingenious arrangement for wireless telegraphy. The wireless "pole" was rigged up over the roof of the automobile, while inside was the ending and receiving apparatus.
The New Jersey Automobile and Motor Club and the Automobile Dealers' Association, both of Newark, N. J., have joined forces in arranging for a show from Feb. 21 to 28.
Before assembling, the rear axle, when taken off for cleaning, do not neglect to pack the differential and gear case thoroughly with lubricant.
According to figures furnished by the Government, the export business exceeded $5,000,000 during 1907. Three years ago the figures barely reached $1,000,000.
Fifty foreign machines, either chassis or complete cars, valued at $800,000, arrived at New York one day recently. Most of them were destined for the Importers' Automobile Salon.
So rapidly has the British demand for American steam cars grown of late that one manufacturer has been obliged to establish additional branch houses at Manchester and Edinburgh.
A sanction for a long-distance stock car race and other events during the third week in March has been granted the Automobile Club of Savannah by the American Automobile Association.
A drunken man who now attempts to use a motor car in Delaware is liable to be arrested and fined $100, or imprisonment for thirty days, or both, under the state's new motor vehicle law.
The Automobile Club of Hartford, Conn., was so well pleased with a design on the fourteen gold medals awarded in its hill climbing contest that it has been adopted as the club emblem.
Too much cooling in winter is just as harmful to an engine as not enough. Some drivers even assert that many cars would run better if the fan belt were removed during the cold weather.
Danville, Ill., boasts of a resourceful farmer who uses an automobile for hauling corn. The machine holds much more corn than the ordinary wagon. This curtails the number of trips to the cribs.
Contemplated amendments to New Jersey's automobile law, if approved by the Legislature, will deprive Assistant Secretary of State J. B. R. Smith of a $1,500 job as state motor vehicle commissioner.