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NMDOH seeks to notify passengers of exposure to COVID-19 on a bus

American Government Buses Special Collection:  COVID-19

NMDOH seeks to notify passengers of exposure to COVID-19 on a bus

New Mexico Department of Transportation
21 November 2020


Passengers must quarantine and test

SANTA FE – The New Mexico Department of Health is seeking passengers who traveled Thursday, Nov. 19 on the El Paso-Los Angeles Limousine Express Bus Route 284 from El Paso, TX to Denver, CO. The DOH has learned these passengers were likely exposed to COVID-19. There were 32 passengers onboard and some were picked up in New Mexico.

The DOH was informed of a passenger on the bus who later died and tested positive for COVID. The department has little information regarding the other passengers and thus is unable to contact them directly.

To prevent further spread of the virus, the DOH is asking any passengers to remain at home and limit contact with other people until Dec. 3. This will allow for 14 days of self-quarantine. The DOH recommends during this time to watch for fever and symptoms of the virus. If symptoms occur, the DOH advises to get tested immediately. If there are no symptoms, wait 7 to 10 from the day of the trip, Nov. 19, and then get tested.

Information and registration for testing is found on the cv.nmhealth.org website. If you have further questions, please contact the New Mexico COVID Hotline at 855-600-3453


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