NJ Transit
9 October 2003
Program Supports Smart Growth Initiative
NEWARK, NJ - Taking yet another step towards delivering 20,000 new parking spaces within the next five years to commuters, Governor James E. McGreevey announced today that the NJ TRANSIT Board of Directors authorized $25 million for its Fiscal Year 2004 Park/Ride Expansion Program. The move will lead to the construction of 2,315 new spaces and the design of 1,400 new spaces.
"Parking expansion of park/ride lots is a critical element of our commitment to add much needed parking spaces for customers at our transit facilities," said Governor McGreevey. "By creating more parking opportunities throughout the state's transportation system, we can reduce traffic congestion and improve the quality of life for New Jersey residents."
"Thanks to the leadership of Governor McGreevey and our Board, we are increasing access to the transit system and eliminating unacceptable parking waiting lists," said NJ TRANSIT Board Chairman and State Transportation Commissioner Jack Lettiere. "Working in partnership with communities throughout the State, this park/ride initiative will help meet future ridership growth and drive new economic development opportunities."
Additional parking facilities are required to meet the growth generated from existing and new passenger services, including the newly opened Secaucus Junction Station. A five-year program of projects and funding has been developed to meet the future passenger demands for parking.
Today's approval includes $23 million for land acquisition and construction, which include the following:
The approval also includes $2.6 million for planning and design work for parking in Edison, Route 34 (Middlesex County) for Bus Route 133, and Newfoundland for Bus Route 194 customers.
Among the short-term initiatives, which will add 10,000 parking spaces over the next five years: