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The Power of the Pulley

The Power of the Pulley

Anthony Fontanelle
January 15, 2008

The engine supplies the energy to the other motor components of a vehicle. Every horsepower produced, however, is not consumed solely by the motor parts. In fact, this power plant also provides the energy to the other parts such as the air conditioner, alternator, air pump, and power steering, among others. Thus the engine tends to overwork itself to carry out its responsibility of providing power to every auto part. To lessen the strain on the engine, a performance pulley is installed in the system.

A performance pulley, also called “underdrive performance pulley,” is a wheel-like internal auto part that is moved by a belt. As part of the engine system, the pulley minimizes the power plant’s effort to give too much power to the non-motor parts of a vehicle. The air conditioner, for example, gets to consume some of the power instead of being used by the wheels. The engine then has to double its effort to supply all the energy needed by both the motor-driven parts and accessories of an automobile. In the long run, the power plant may suffer tremendously, leaving the owner no other choice but to have the engine fixed or replaced altogether. If the system, however, is equipped with the pulley, the power plant would not have to work double or triple time.

Aside from saving the engine from overworking, the performance pulley also contributes to the efficient consumption of horsepower. Because this auto part manages to lessen the energy going to the vehicle’s accessories, most of the horsepower then is directed to the inner motor parts. These components need the energy more than the air condition or the air pump because these are the ones that enable an automobile to translate horsepower into movement.

Simply put, the engine is able to produce and supply more horsepower to those parts that need it the most with the pulley’s function. As a result, the owner gets to enjoy the comforts delivered by the accessories and experience the optimized strength of an automobile at the same time.

Source:  Amazines.com

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