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Isuzu Impulse Fan Clutch: For the Maintenance of an Efficient Cooling System

Topics:  Isuzu Impulse

Isuzu Impulse Fan Clutch: For the Maintenance of an Efficient Cooling System

Anthony Fontanelle
January 24, 2008

An efficient cooling system is integral in any type of vehicle – whether it is a large SUV, a powerful truck, or a petite coupe. For the small, sporty 3-door hatchback Isuzu Impulse, otherwise known as the Isuzu Piazza outside the USA, reliable cooling system components are important. One of these is the Isuzu Impulse fan clutch, which helps reduce fuel consumption, create less noise, and save engine power by making sure that the radiator fan is working properly.

The Isuzu Impulse fan clutch is a thermostatic device that works with a fluid to control the speed of the fan. While setting the pace of the fan’s operation to cool the engine, it also saves engine power when the fan is not needed. As the Isuzu Impulse fan clutch operates together with a fluid coupling partially filled with silicone oil and a bimetal coil spring, this is how the process goes. When a rising air temperature passes through the radiator, the bimetal coil senses it and then expands. The expansion will trigger the fluid coupling to let small amounts of oil to enter. Meanwhile, the coil spring will contract once cool air passes through the radiator. Oil will then leave the fluid coupling and the fan will slow down.

The engine’s continuous operation can lead to overheating if not paired with an effective cooling system. Thus it is important that all components of the cooling system are working properly. The Isuzu Impulse fan clutch is no exception. But just like any other car parts, it will fail eventually. Motorists should then watch out for signs of a defective fan clutch to avoid further problems. A common sign is when the car overheats when it is idle or during heavy traffic. Another is when the car keeps on drawing air at a high rate. When such cases happen, immediately getting a replacement is advised.

Source:  Amazines.com

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