The New York Times
5 November 1925
Net Earnings of $2,614,205 Shown for the Third Quarter.
Mack Trucks, Inc., report net profits of $2,614,205 for the third quarter, after charges. After allowing dividends on the first and second preferred stocks of $284,436, the balance equaled $6.86 on the 339,750 shares of common stock. The total net income for the first nine months, after charges, was $7,268,052, equivalent to $18.88 per share on the common stock. Net earnings were $4,795,938 for the first nine months of 1924, equaling $13.93 per share on the 283,108 shares outstanding at that time.
Current assets as of Sept. 30 were $33,606,883. In a statement sent out yesterday on behalf of the company it was said that the business for the first nine months of this year was 45 per cent. greater than for the same period of 1924.