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Woodstock DMV - "better" hours?

McHenry County, Illinois

Woodstock DMV - "better" hours?

Gus Philpott
December 4, 2009

Woodstock Advocate

The Woodstock DMV is changing its hours slightly from December 7 (actually December 8, since the Woodstock office is not open on Mondays) to February 27, apparently touting the change as "aimed at better serving customers". Is it?

The Woodstock office was open until 7:00PM on Tuesdays, giving working people a chance to make it in for title, plates and driver's license services after work.

The new hours?

Tuesday-Friday 8:00AM-5:30PM
Saturday 7:30AM-12:00PM

What do you think? How will this change affect you, if at all?

The Crittenden Automotive Library