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Speaker: Congressman John Rose
Publication: Congressional Record
Date: 7 June 2022

American Government

  (Mr. ROSE asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 
minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)
  Mr. ROSE. Madam Speaker, the average price of gasoline has more than 
doubled since President Biden was sworn into office. That is not a 
coincidence. After all, before he took office, he told us he would 
``end fossil fuel.''
  Now, Americans are finding out the hard way what happens when we 
elect a President that wants to end fossil fuels. The cost of living 
rises faster than we can keep up with because almost everything we 
wear, eat, and use is transported using fossil fuels.
  Meanwhile, yesterday, the President announced he would be invoking 
the Defense Production Act to make more solar panels. Give me a break.
  The President needs to concede his war against American energy and 
allow companies to drill and explore for new oil. It is that easy. Yet, 
he refuses.
  President Biden simply must do better.

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