Topic: Sierra
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Date: 29 March 1996 [Non-automotive content removed.] |
SafeBrands Corporation, its parent company, Warren Distribution, Inc., of Omaha, Nebraska, and ARCO Chemical Company, of Newtown Square, Pennsylvania, settling charges that they made unsubstantiated advertising claims about the safety of Sierra antifreeze, and about the product’s environmental benefits and its ability to protect vehicle engines. The consent order requires the respondents to have scientific substantiation to support future claims about the safety of any antifreeze, and to include a statement on Sierra’s label cautioning consumers that it may be harmful if swallowed. The order also requires the respondents to have substantiation for certain claims about the environmental benefits and the level of engine protection offered by any antifreeze, coolant or deicer. Finally, the order prohibits the respondents from misrepresenting the recyclability of such products or their packages (see Nov. 28, 1995 news release for more details regarding this case; Commission vote 4-0, with Commissioner Roscoe B. Starek, III recused, on March 26, 1996; FTC Docket No. C-3647). Staff contact is Joel Winston, 202-326-3153.
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