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Speaker: Congressman Joe Wilson
Publication: Congressional Record
Date: 14 June 2022
Topic: President Joe Biden

American Government

  (Mr. WILSON of South Carolina asked and was given permission to 
address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)
  Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Madam Speaker, sadly, inflation has 
increased to over 8 percent, the highest rate in over 40 years. Now 
family budgets are draining at the pump.
  The over $5 per gallon for gas is the highest ever, caused by failing 
Biden policies. The American Energy Alliance with Stephen Moore on the 
Unleash Prosperity Hotline has identified over 100 initiatives enacted 
by Biden to restrict American oil and gas development.
  When Biden took office, gas was $2.39 a gallon. Now it has doubled. 
These extremist policies intentionally discourage gas usage without 
alternatives available to families. Declaring war on American energy 
subsidizes war criminal Putin's mass murder in Ukraine and allows Iran 
to proceed with nuclear weapons to fulfill ``Death to Israel. Death to 
  America needs price relief through an all-of-the-above energy policy 
achieved by President Donald Trump.
  In conclusion, God bless our troops who have successfully protected 
America for 20 years in the global war on terrorism as it continues 
moving from the Afghanistan safe haven to America.
  Happy birthday, Donald Trump.

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