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Speaker: Congressman Jason Smith
Publication: Congressional Record
Date: 16 June 2022
Topic: President Joe Biden

American Government

  (Mr. SMITH of Missouri asked and was given permission to address the 
House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)
  Mr. SMITH of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, the biggest challenge facing 
Missouri families right now is sky-high inflation. They know that 
President Biden and Washington Democrats have only themselves to blame 
for driving inflation to the highest level in 40 years.
  Last month alone, inflation cost Missouri families an extra $663. 
That is about the same as a monthly payment on a brand-new pickup 
  Gas prices are the highest they have been, at over $5 a gallon. The 
cost to fill up an F-150 is over $150.
  Families are paying more to put food on their tables, clothes on 
their backs, and gasoline in their cars. Milk is up 15 percent. Bread 
is up 14 percent. Bacon is up 18 percent.
  Just yesterday, the Federal Reserve raised interest rates for the 
third time since March. This is yet another price increase for 
families, farmers, and small businesses.
  The American people cannot afford to keep paying for President 
Biden's mistakes.

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