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Publication: The New York Times
Date: 19 December 1926
Topic: A.H. Sarvis

A. H. Sarvis, Service Manager of the Buick Motor Company, has issued the following list of precautions to be taken by car owners to assure the most efficient service during the cold weather:

Flush out the rear axle and the transmission and fill them with steam cylinder oil properly thinned with engine oil.

Change oil every 500 miles always, and oftener if necessary.

Flush out the radiator and fill with a solution of fresh water and alcohol sufficiently strong to protect from freezing in the coldest weather expected. Test the solution frequently.

Fully charge the battery. A charged battery will not freeze. Add water when needed just before the car is to be run. Test frequently.

Have the engine thoroughly inspected to assure easy starting and minimum use of the choke. Pay particular attention to the ignition, compression and carburetor adjustment.

It is advisable to carry a set of tire chains and use when needed.

Brakes should be adjusted evenly to prevent skidding on slippery pavements.

The Crittenden Automotive Library