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Publication: The New York Times
Dateline: Detroit, Michigan
Date: 27 September 1927
Topic: General Motors

Automobile Writers on a Three-Day Tour of Inspection.

Special to The New York Times.

DETROIT, Sept. 26.—Automobile writers from more than 200 newspapers representing thirty-four States and the District of Columbia arrived in Detroit today as guests of the General Motors Corporation to inspect its plants and models. All of the Atlantic States are represented. The only foreign delegate is an editor from South Africa.

Today's activities included an inspection of the research laboratories and visits to the Fisher body and Cadillac motor factories. The program tomorrow includes a motor trip to the Oaklands-Pontiac factory at Pontiac and the Buick and Chevrolet factories at Flint, Mich., closing with a dinner at the Book Cadillac Hotel, at which Alfred P. Sloan, President of General Motors, and other officials will be present. C. F. Kellering, Vice President in charge of the research laboratories, will be the chief speaker.

On Wednesday the inspection tour will end with a visit to the General Motors proving grounds, a 1,200-acre tract forty-seven miles from Detroit, where new cars are tested for speed and endurance.

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