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Agency Information Collection Activities; Approval of a New Information Collection Request: Human Factors Considerations in Commercial Motor Vehicle Automated Driving Systems and Advanced Driver Assistance Systems

Publication: Federal Register
Agency: Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Byline: Thomas P. Keane
Date: 21 April 2023
Subject: American Government , Autonomous Vehicles, Safety

[Federal Register Volume 88, Number 77 (Friday, April 21, 2023)]
[Pages 24652-24655]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2023-08500]



Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

[Docket No. FMCSA-2022-0174]

Agency Information Collection Activities; Approval of a New 
Information Collection Request: Human Factors Considerations in 
Commercial Motor Vehicle Automated Driving Systems and Advanced Driver 
Assistance Systems

AGENCY: Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), Department 
of Transportation (DOT).

ACTION: Notice and request for comments.


SUMMARY: In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, FMCSA 
announces its plan to submit the Information Collection Request (ICR) 
described below to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review 
and approval. This notice invites comments on a proposed information 
collection titled Human Factors Considerations in Commercial Motor 
Vehicle Automated Driving Systems and Advanced Driver Assistance 
Systems. It is a driving simulator study with a series of 
questionnaires that will evaluate how commercial motor vehicle (CMV) 
drivers engage in CMVs equipped with SAE International Level 2 (L2) 
advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and Level 3 (L3) automated 
driving systems (ADS). Approximately 100 CMV drivers will participate 
in the study. The study will examine the effect of non-driving 
secondary task engagement, transfer of control, and training on driver 
behavior in CMVs equipped with ADAS and ADS.

DATES: Comments on this notice must be received on or before May 22, 

ADDRESSES: Written comments and recommendations for the proposed 
information collection should be sent within 30 days of publication of 
this notice to www.reginfo.gov/public/do/PRAMain. Find this information 
collection by selecting ``Currently under 30-day Review--Open for 
Public Comments'' or by using the search function.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Theresa Hallquist, Office of Research 
and Registration, DOT, FMCSA, West Building 6th Floor, 1200 New Jersey 
Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590-0001; 202-366-1064; 

    Title: Human Factors in CMVs Equipped with ADS and ADAS.
    OMB Control Number: 2126-00XX.
    Type of Request: New ICR.
    Respondents: Commercial motor vehicle drivers.
    Estimated Number of Respondents: 100.
    Estimated Time per Response: 4 hours.
    Expiration Date: This is a new ICR.
    Frequency of Response: Two responses.
    Estimated Total Annual Burden: 476 hours.


    Higher levels of ADAS and lower levels of ADS present an 
environment that is ripe for overreliance. An L2 vehicle offers 
longitudinal and lateral support to the driver; however, the driver is 
still responsible for driving at all times. An L2 vehicle is an example 
of higher levels of ADAS. At this level, engaging in non-driving 
secondary tasks can be highly detrimental to driving performance as the 
driver may not recognize and respond to hazards timely or 
appropriately. In an L3 vehicle, the role of distraction is blurred. L3 
is the lowest level considered to be ADS. The driver takes on a more 
supervisory role and is in full control of the vehicle in a limited 
number of situations. When an L3 vehicle alerts the driver that a 
takeover is required, the driver needs to have situational awareness to 
resume full control of the vehicle. Engagement in non-driving secondary 
tasks may prevent the driver from maintaining situational awareness of 
the driving environment.
    A recently completed study by FMCSA on research involving ADSs in 
CMVs found a lack of research related to ADS-equipped CMVs. To date, 
most commercial ADSs on U.S. roadways are in passenger vehicles, and 
CMV ADSs have only recently begun being implemented in real-world 
operations. Therefore, FMCSA needs more data on ADS-equipped CMVs to 
understand driver behavior and policy implications.
    The purpose for obtaining data in this study is to evaluate driver 
readiness to assume control in SAE L2 ADAS and L3 ADS-equipped CMVs and 
develop and test a CMV driver distraction training program designed to 
improve driver readiness. Specifically, there are three

[[Page 24653]]

primary objectives for the data collection:
    (1) determine the effect of distraction on CMV drivers of L2 
    (2) determine the effect of transfer of control on CMV drivers in 
L3 vehicles; and
    (3) develop and evaluate a training program that is designed to 
decrease the levels of distraction that were identified in CMV drivers 
in L2 vehicles and designed to improve the problems with the transfer 
of control that were identified in L3 vehicles.
    Answers to these research questions will provide insight into the 
human factors associated with semi-automated CMVs. Moreover, these 
findings will inform training materials to educate drivers on 
distraction and the functionality of ADAS and ADS as well as policy 
pertaining to the implications of ADASs and ADSs in CMVs.
    The study includes data collection from a series of questionnaires 
and a driving simulator-focused experiment. The collected survey data 
will support the simulator experiment data. The survey data will be 
used in two ways: in the assessment of driving performance data as 
covariates in the model (to control for certain demographic variables, 
such as age, gender, and experience) and to answer a research question 
on the relationship between driver characteristics and driver readiness 
and performance. Data on driver readiness and performance will be 
collected from the simulator experiment. Eligible drivers will hold a 
valid commercial driver's license, currently drive a CMV, be 21 years 
of age or older, and pass the motion sickness history screening 
    Data will be collected over two study sessions. The first study 
session will collect data on the effects of non-driving secondary tasks 
and readiness to resume control of an L2- or L3-equipped CMV. The 
second study session will assess the effectiveness of driver training 
to improve safety while operating an L2 or L3 CMV. Questionnaire data 
will be collected prior to the simulator study, during the simulator 
study, and after the simulator study. In addition, participants will 
complete questionnaires about the training in the second study session. 
All questionnaires will be preloaded in an app format for drivers to 
complete on a tablet.
    We anticipate 100 participants in total for the driving simulator 
study. Fifty drivers will participate in the L2 study sessions, and the 
other 50 drivers will participate in the L3 study sessions. During 
consent, each participant will agree to participate in both the L2/L3 
simulator study session and the training study session. For a 
participant who chooses not to continue, a new driver will be recruited 
to fill their position. These new participants will not have data from 
the L2/L3 study but will need to complete a new consent form, pre-/
post-study questionnaires, and the training questionnaire. Each study 
session will be completed in 4 hours, resulting in a total of up to 8 
hours of participation for drivers that complete both study sessions.
    Multiple analyses will be used, including an assessment of driver 
distraction and its effects on driver readiness and driving 
performance. In the L2 and L3 studies, general linear mixed models 
(GLMMs) will be used to answer the research questions. In the 
transportation safety field, GLMMs are often used to analyze driver 
behavior and assess relationships between driving scenarios and 
behaviors. To evaluate the effectiveness of the training program, 
linear mixed models will be used with random intercepts. Driver random 
intercepts will account for participants' correlated behaviors and 
expectations in the L2 or L3 system before and after training.
    FMCSA published the 60-day Federal Register notice on September 21, 
2022, and the comment period closed on November 21, 2022 (87 FR 57748). 
A total of 93 comments were received from the public. These comments 
revolved around nine issues: general safety concerns with CMVADS, 
concern for job loss due to ADS-equipped CMVs, concerns related to the 
operation of ADS within specific operational design domains, concerns 
with specific ADS and/or ADAS, the failure of ADS sensors, the security 
of ADS-equipped CMVs, driver inattention/distraction when operating an 
ADS, data collection efforts, and support for the study. Responses to 
these issues are below. Many comments touched on multiple issues; 
however, the comments below are organized based on the primary feedback 

General Safety Concerns With ADS-Equipped CMVS

    Fifty percent of the comments received expressed general safety 
concerns related to ADS-equipped CMVs. FMCSA is actively engaged in 
many research and administrative activities to help improve the safety 
of CMV drivers and the general public, including research on ADS. There 
are many research questions that need to be answered before ADS-
equipped CMVs are deployed at scale. Some of these research questions 
are focused on the ADS technology itself to ensure that the ADS 
technology functions as intended and incorporates the appropriate 
redundant failsafe systems. However, other research questions are 
focused on the human factors related to how individuals within the CMV 
industry will interact with ADS-equipped CMVs.
    Crashes involving ADAS illustrate why research focused on human 
factors is critical prior to full-scale deployment of ADS. Many of the 
incidents involve a mismatch between driver expectations of the 
technology and the driver's true role and responsibility to monitor 
vehicle features. This study is focused on L2 and L3-equipped CMVs. The 
systems included in this study would require a driver inside the 
vehicle who is ready to resume control of the vehicle when needed or 
requested (e.g., during icy conditions).
    Results from this study will be used to develop and evaluate a 
training program designed to improve drivers' understanding and 
expectation of ADS. This training program will also attempt to improve 
drivers' attention maintenance and hazard anticipation while operating 
L2 and L3 vehicles. Although FMCSA believes this is a critical research 
study to understand how driver inattention may affect performance of L2 
and L3 CMVs, it is only one research study of many that are needed to 
ensure the safety of drivers on the roadways.

Concerns for Loss of Jobs Due to ADS-Equipped CMVS

    Ten comments from the public focused on the potential loss of jobs 
as a result of ADS-equipped CMVs. The trucking industry employs 
millions of individuals in the U.S. who are vital to the U.S. economy. 
Additionally, there are millions of other individuals who work in roles 
that support the transportation industry (e.g., gas stations, truck 
stops, maintenance facilities, etc.). Better pay for drivers, effective 
training, safe equipment, and improved quality of life for drivers are 
important factors for retaining safe drivers within the industry.
    ADAS and ADS offer possible solutions that help drivers maintain a 
better quality of life. For example, they may offer improved health 
through crash reduction and allow more home time through more regional 
operations for drivers who so desire. As mentioned above, this study is 
focused on L2 and L3 ADS-equipped CMVs. Both systems under 
investigation in this study would require a driver to be in the truck 
at all times and ready to resume control of the vehicle when requested. 
Thus, the technologies investigated in this study would not result in 
driver job loss.

[[Page 24654]]

Concerns for ADS in Specific Operational Domains

    Seven comments provided by the public focused on concerns related 
to ADS-equipped CMVs operating outside of their intended operational 
design domain. Each ADS is designed to operate within specific 
conditions. These conditions provide parameters for the safe operation 
of ADS on the road. Before widespread deployment of ADS, more 
development, testing, and verification of ADS-equipped CMVs is needed 
to understand safe parameters and before they can operate in all 
conditions or anticipate and respond to all possible infrequent events.
    As mentioned above, the safety technologies being investigated 
require a driver inside the vehicle at all times who could assume 
control of the CMV if conditions dictate. Drivers operating an L2 or 
L3-equipped CMV must be ready to assume control in these situations. 
These situations demonstrate why it is important to research driver 
inattention and vigilance of the driver when operating L2 and L3 
vehicles. This research will provide information to ensure drivers are 
capable and safe to assume control of the CMV when needed through the 
development and evaluation of a training program to educate drivers on 
ADS capabilities and highlight the importance of maintaining attention 
while operating L2 and L3 vehicles.

Concerns With Specific ADAS/ADS

    Six comments expressed concerns related to a specific advanced 
driver assistance feature or a particular ADS. These comments 
illustrate how additional research and development are needed for many 
of the features that will support ADS in CMVs. Although the technology 
to support ADS (i.e., automatic emergency braking) has improved, there 
are still areas in need of improvement prior to the deployment of ADS-
equipped CMVs. One of the objectives of this study is to better 
understand the effect of driver inattention while operating a CMV 
equipped with these support technologies. Ensuring drivers of L2 
vehicles maintain attention to the road is important so that the 
drivers can anticipate hazards and potential scenarios where the L2 
features may not operate as intended. Similarly, research to study 
inattention while operating an L3 vehicle is needed to determine what 
training and education will help drivers prepare to resume control when 
requested. This research, conducted in a simulator, will help the 
industry better understand how drivers of L2 and L3 vehicles can be 
prepared to take over control when necessary to ensure the safe 
operation of the CMV and the safety of the general public.

Concerns Related to Sensor Failure

    Twelve comments primarily discussed concerns related to the failure 
of ADS sensors. Drivers' concerns related to the importance of properly 
maintained and functioning sensors are valid. Sensors do fail and/or 
become dirty if covered in debris, making them inoperable. It is 
critical for ADS to have redundant sensors or a backup alternative 
sensor system in case of failure. Research on the functionality of the 
technologies and sensors is ongoing. However, human factors-focused 
research is also necessary to ensure the safety of L2 and L3 vehicles. 
The technologies researched in this study require a driver to be in the 
vehicle and ready to take over control when needed or alerted. This 
study will examine how driver inattention affects a driver's ability to 
successfully respond to or anticipate hazards or scenarios that may 
require human control of the vehicle. This research is critical to help 
in-vehicle drivers be prepared when a sensor does fail or if the 
technology does not anticipate a hazard appropriately.

Concerns Related to the Security of ADS

    Two comments focused on securing ADS against threats. The security 
of ADS-equipped CMVs is of incredible importance. Research and efforts 
related to the security of the vehicles is needed. However, this is a 
separate area of research and development and should not detract from 
the importance of human-factors research. As mentioned above, the 
purpose of this study is to ensure in-vehicle drivers are capable and 
ready to respond to unexpected hazards, scenarios, and requests to take 
over control of the vehicle when needed.

Concerns That Inattention/Distraction Will Increase With ADAS and ADS

    Five comments discussed concerns related to potential increases in 
driver distraction, inattention, and reduced vigilance with the use of 
crash mitigation technologies. There is a need for research focused on 
driver inattention while operating CMVs equipped with ADAS and ADS. 
More data are needed to understand the prevalence of inattention when 
using, and drivers' overreliance on, crash mitigation technologies. 
This study is designed to gather data on these concerns in a safe 
environment without putting the CMV driver and the general public at 
risk. Results from this study will be used to develop training 
materials and information that may reduce this risk.

Concerns With the Data Collection Efforts

    One comment focused on this study's proposed data collection 
methodology. As mentioned in the Federal Register notice, each study 
session will last approximately 4 hours. Although driver fatigue is an 
important area of research, this study is focused on driver 
distraction. However, driver fatigue may be observed in the study and 
will be identified and documented via eye tracking technologies.
    Power analyses were performed to approximate the number of 
participants needed to find statistically significant results (if 
present). The sample included in this study was based on this power 
analysis with additional participants to account for attrition. 
However, the sample is a convenience sample, and there are no attempts 
to say the sample is representative of the U.S. CMV industry. 
Demographic information (e.g., gender, age, health, etc.) will be 
collected and may be used to help control for potential confounding or 
extraneous variables during the statistical analyses.

Support for the Study

    Three comments provided support for the study and provided 
additional insights based on recent investigations or research. 
Additional comments expressed the importance of focusing research on 
higher levels of ADS (i.e., L4 or L5). Although FMCSA agrees much more 
research and data are needed on more advanced ADS, some original 
equipment manufacturers and developers of L2 and L3 vehicles are 
deploying vehicles with lower levels of driver assistance or 
automation. For example, L2 CMVs are available for purchase now. 
Research is needed to understand how inattention affects performance in 
vehicles with these levels of ADS and to ensure the safety of the CMV 
driver and the general public.
    FMCSA agrees that distinguishing between features of L2 and L3 
vehicles is important. This study focuses on both advanced driver 
assistance features (via L2 vehicles) and the lowest level of ADS (via 
L3 vehicles). Additional distinctions are provided in the supporting 
documentation, and FMCSA will ensure that distinctions between 
functionalities are included in the discussion of the results. To help 
improve this clarity, FMCSA proposes

[[Page 24655]]

to revise the study title to include ADAS (in reference to the L2 sub 
    Public Comments Invited: You are asked to comment on any aspect of 
this information collection, including: (1) whether the proposed 
collection is necessary for the performance of FMCSA's functions; (2) 
the accuracy of the estimated burden; (3) ways for FMCSA to enhance the 
quality, usefulness, and clarity of the collected information; and (4) 
ways that the burden could be minimized without reducing the quality of 
the collected information.

    Issued under the authority of 49 CFR 1.87.
Thomas P. Keane,
Associate Administrator, Office of Research and Registration.
[FR Doc. 2023-08500 Filed 4-20-23; 8:45 am]

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