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Sunshine Act Meetings

Publication: Federal Register
Agency: Unified Carrier Registration Plan
Byline: Alex B. Leath
Date: 5 June 2023
Subject: American Government , Trucking

[Federal Register Volume 88, Number 107 (Monday, June 5, 2023)]
[Pages 36650-36651]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2023-12016]



Sunshine Act Meetings

TIME AND DATE: June 8, 2023, 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., Eastern Time.

PLACE: This meeting will be accessible via conference call and via Zoom 
Meeting and Screenshare. Any interested person may call (i) 1-929-205-
6099 (US Toll) or 1-669-900-6833 (US Toll), Meeting ID: 952 0476 1775, 
to listen and participate in this meeting. The website to participate 
via Zoom Meeting and Screenshare is https://kellen.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEvd-2vqDotHdGFSelrZ4pwW-Bp9kQs0voJ.

STATUS: This meeting will be open to the public.

MATTERS TO BE CONSIDERED: The Unified Carrier Registration Plan Board 
of Directors (the ``Board'') will continue its work in developing and 
implementing the Unified Carrier Registration Plan and Agreement. The 
subject matter of this meeting will include:

Proposed Agenda

I. Welcome and Call to Order--UCR Board Chair

    The UCR Board Chair will welcome attendees, call the meeting to 
order, call roll for the Board, confirm the presence of a quorum, and 
facilitate self-introductions.

II. Verification of Publication of Meeting Notice--UCR Executive 

    The UCR Executive Director will verify publication of the meeting 
notice on the UCR website and distribution to the UCR contact list via 
email, followed by subsequent publication of the notice in the Federal 

III. Review and Approval of Board Agenda--UCR Board Chair

For Discussion and Possible Board Action

    The proposed Agenda will be reviewed, and the Board will consider 
Ground Rules
    [rtarr8]Board actions taken only in designated areas on agenda.

IV. Approval of Minutes of the April 13 UCR Board Meeting--UCR Board 

For Discussion and Possible Board Action

    Draft Minutes from the April 13, 2023, UCR Board meeting will be 
reviewed. The Board will consider action to approve.

V. Report of FMCSA--FMCSA Representative

    The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) will 
provide a report on relevant activity.

VI. Discussion of Proposed Changes to UCR Agreement--UCR Board Chair, 
UCR Board Vice-Chair, UCR Audit Subcommittee Chair, UCR Executive 
Director, UCR Chief Legal Officer

    The UCR Board Chair, UCR Board Vice-Chair, UCR Audit Subcommittee 
Chair, UCR Executive Director and the UCR Chief Legal Officer will 
discuss proposed changes to the UCR Agreement. No Board action will be 
taken on any proposed changes at this meeting.

VII. Proposal To Send a Letter to Certain Intrastate Motor Carriers 
From Non-Participating States and Rhode Island--UCR Executive Director 
and Seikosoft

For Discussion and Possible Board Action

    The UCR Executive Director and a Seikosoft representative will 
present proposals to the UCR Board to send a letter to new intrastate 
USDOT motor carriers from non-participating states and Rhode Island 
that may be engaged in interstate commerce to provide educational 
information about UCR and instructions for UCR registration, should 
registration be applicable to the motor carrier. The Board may consider 
and approve the cost of sending such letters.

VIII. Subcommittee Reports

Audit Subcommittee--UCR Audit Subcommittee Chair

A. Update the Board on the Project To Replace the Retreat Audit Program 
With a Program That Relies on Roadside Inspection Data--UCR Audit 
Subcommittee Chair, UCR Audit Subcommittee Vice-Chair, DSL 
Transportation and Seikosoft Representatives
    The UCR Audit Subcommittee Chair, UCR Audit Subcommittee Vice-Chair 
and DSL Transportation and Seikosoft representatives will lead a 
discussion on options to replace the Retreat Audit Program currently 
utilized by the states with a roadside inspection data driven audit for 
non-IRP plated commercial motor vehicles and the motor carriers 
operating this type of registered equipment.
B. Update on the Recent Question and Answer Session for State 
Auditors--UCR Audit Subcommittee Chair, UCR Audit Subcommittee Vice-
Chair, UCR Executive Director
    The UCR Audit Subcommittee Chair, UCR Audit Subcommittee Vice-Chair 
and UCR Executive Director will update the Board on the latest 60-
minute virtual question and answer session conducted

[[Page 36651]]

with state auditors and provide the date and possible topics for 
discussion regarding the next session.
C. Report to the Board Highlighting the 2022 State Audit Report--UCR 
Audit Subcommittee Chair
For Discussion and Possible Board Action
    The UCR Audit Subcommittee Chair will review audit compliance 
statistics for the states 2022 registration year regarding FARs, 
Retreat Audits and Registration Percentages and the States Unregistered 
Bracket 5 and 6 motor carriers. If applicable, the UCR Audit 
Subcommittee Chair will recommend to the Board that all non-compliant 
states have a representative report to the Board at the next Board 
Meeting to outline corrective action measures.
D. Options To Clean Up the Unregistered Motor Carrier UCR Universe in 
Shadow MCMIS--UCR Audit Subcommittee Chair, UCR Audit Subcommittee 
Vice-Chair, Seikosoft Representative
    The UCR Audit Subcommittee Chair, UCR Audit Subcommittee Vice-Chair 
and a Seikosoft representative will lead a discussion on the steps 
necessary for the NRS and State Auditors to address the 2022/2023 
unregistered motor carrier universe in Shadow MCMIS.

Finance Subcommittee--UCR Finance Subcommittee Chair

Discussion of UCR Investment Policy
    The UCR Finance Subcommittee Chair will provide the Board an update 
on the latest developments and market factors regarding the account 
structures of UCR Funds.

Education and Training Subcommittee--UCR Education and Training 
Subcommittee Chair

Update on Current and Future Training Initiatives
    The Education and Training Subcommittee Chair will provide an 
update on current and planned future training initiatives and the E-
Certificate program.

Industry Advisory Subcommittee--UCR Industry Advisory Subcommittee 

Update on Current Initiatives
    The UCR Industry Advisory Subcommittee Chair will provide an update 
on current and planned initiatives regarding motor carrier industry 

Enforcement Subcommittee--UCR Enforcement Subcommittee Chair

Update on Current Initiatives
    The UCR Enforcement Subcommittee Chair will provide an update on 
current and planned initiatives.

Dispute Resolution Subcommittee--UCR Dispute Resolution Subcommittee 

Update on Current Initiatives
    The UCR Dispute Resolution Subcommittee Chair will provide an 
update on planned initiatives.

IX. Contractor Reports--UCR Board Chair

 UCR Executive Director Report
    The UCR Executive Director will provide a report covering his 
recent activity for the UCR Plan.
 DSL Transportation Services, Inc.
    DSL Transportation Services, Inc. will report on the latest data 
from the Focused Anomaly Reviews (FARs) program, discuss motor carrier 
inspection results, pilot projects and other matters.
    Seikosoft will provide an update on recent/new activity related to 
the National Registration System (NRS).
 UCR Administrator Report (Kellen)
    The UCR Chief of Staff will provide a management report covering 
recent activity for the Depository, Operations, and Communications.

X. Other Business--UCR Board Chair

    The UCR Board Chair will call for any other business, old or new, 
from the floor.

XI. Adjournment--UCR Board Chair

    The UCR Board Chair will adjourn the meeting.
    The agenda will be available no later than 5:00 p.m. Eastern time, 
May 31, 2023, at: https://plan.ucr.gov.

CONTACT PERSON FOR MORE INFORMATION: Elizabeth Leaman, Chair, Unified 
Carrier Registration Plan Board of Directors, (617) 305-3783, 

Alex B. Leath,
Chief Legal Officer, Unified Carrier Registration Plan.
[FR Doc. 2023-12016 Filed 6-1-23; 11:15 am]

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