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Qualification of Drivers; Exemption Applications; Vision

Publication: Federal Register
Agency: Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Byline: Larry W. Minor
Date: 8 February 2022
Subjects: American Government , Driver Licensing

[Federal Register Volume 87, Number 26 (Tuesday, February 8, 2022)]
[Pages 7234-7237]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2022-02632]



Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

[Docket No. FMCSA-1998-4334; FMCSA-1999-5578; FMCSA-1999-6156; FMCSA-
2001-9561; FMCSA-2002-12844; FMCSA-2003-16241; FMCSA-2005-20560; FMCSA-
2005-22194; FMCSA-2005-22727; FMCSA-2006-24783; FMCSA-2006-26653; 
FMCSA-2007-0017; FMCSA-2007-27333; FMCSA-2007-27897; FMCSA-2008-0398; 
FMCSA-2009-0121; FMCSA-2009-0303; FMCSA- 2010-0187; FMCSA-2010-0354; 
FMCSA-2011-0010; FMCSA-2011-0024; FMCSA-2011-0057; FMCSA-2011-0092; 
FMCSA-2011-0102; FMCSA-2011-0142; FMCSA-2011-0189; FMCSA-2011-0298; 
FMCSA-2011-0299; FMCSA-2011-0366; FMCSA-2011-26690; FMCSA-2013-0021; 
FMCSA-2013-0022; FMCSA-2013-0025; FMCSA-2013-0027; FMCSA-2013-0029; 
FMCSA-2013-0165; FMCSA-2013-0167; FMCSA-2013-0168; FMCSA-2013-0169; 
FMCSA-2013-0170; FMCSA-2014-0003; FMCSA-2014-0007; FMCSA-2014-0296; 
FMCSA-2014-0297; FMCSA-2014-0299; FMCSA-2015-0048; FMCSA-2015-0049; 
FMCSA-2015-0053; FMCSA-2015-0055; FMCSA-2015-0056; FMCSA-2015-0070; 
FMCSA-2015-0072; FMCSA-2015-0344; FMCSA-2016-0213; FMCSA-2016-0214; 
FMCSA-2017-0014; FMCSA-2017-0018; FMCSA-2017-0020; FMCSA-2017-0022; 
FMCSA-2017-0023; FMCSA-2017-0024; FMCSA-2018-0209; FMCSA-2019-0004; 
FMCSA-2019-0006; FMCSA-2019-0013; FMCSA-2019-0014; FMCSA-2019-0015; 
FMCSA-2019-0019; FMCSA-2020-0018]

Qualification of Drivers; Exemption Applications; Vision

AGENCY: Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), Department 
of Transportation (DOT).

ACTION: Notice of final disposition.


SUMMARY: FMCSA announces its decision to renew exemptions for 109 
individuals from the vision requirement in the Federal Motor Carrier 
Safety Regulations (FMCSRs) for interstate commercial motor vehicle 
(CMV) drivers. The exemptions enable these individuals to continue to 
operate CMVs in interstate commerce without meeting the vision 
requirement in one eye.

DATES: Each group of renewed exemptions were applicable on the dates 
stated in the discussions below and will expire on the dates provided 

Medical Programs Division, (202) 366-4001, fmcsamedical@dot.gov, FMCSA, 
DOT, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Room W64-224, Washington, DC 20590-
0001. Office hours are from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., ET, Monday through 
Friday, except Federal holidays. If you have questions regarding 
viewing or submitting material to the docket, contact Dockets 
Operations, (202) 366-9826.


I. Public Participation

A. Viewing Comments

    To view comments go to www.regulations.gov, insert the docket 
number, FMCSA-1998-4334, FMCSA-1999-5578, FMCSA-1999-6156, FMCSA-2001-
9561, FMCSA-2002-12844, FMCSA-2003-16241, FMCSA-2005-20560, FMCSA-2005-
22194, FMCSA-2005-22727, FMCSA-2006-24783, FMCSA-2006-26653, FMCSA-
2007-0017, FMCSA-2007-27333, FMCSA-2007-27897, FMCSA-2008-0398, FMCSA-
2009-0121, FMCSA-2009-0303, FMCSA- 2010-0187, FMCSA-2010-0354, FMCSA-
2011-0010, FMCSA-2011-0024, FMCSA-2011-0057, FMCSA-2011-0092, FMCSA-
2011-0102, FMCSA-2011-0142, FMCSA-2011-0189, FMCSA-2011-0298, FMCSA-
2011-0299, FMCSA-2011-0366, FMCSA-2011-26690, FMCSA-2013-0021, FMCSA-
2013-0022, FMCSA-2013-0025, FMCSA-2013-0027, FMCSA-2013-0029, FMCSA-
2013-0165, FMCSA-2013-0167, FMCSA-2013-0168, FMCSA-2013-0169, FMCSA-
2013-0170, FMCSA-2014-0003, FMCSA-2014-0007, FMCSA-2014-0296, FMCSA-
2014-0297, FMCSA-2014-0299, FMCSA-2015-0048, FMCSA-2015-0049, FMCSA-
2015-0053, FMCSA-2015-0055, FMCSA-2015-0056, FMCSA-2015-0070, FMCSA-
2015-0072, FMCSA-2015-0344, FMCSA-2016-0213, FMCSA-2016-

[[Page 7235]]

0214, FMCSA-2017-0014, FMCSA-2017-0018, FMCSA-2017-0020, FMCSA-2017-
0022, FMCSA-2017-0023, FMCSA-2017-0024, FMCSA-2018-0209, FMCSA-2019-
0004, FMCSA-2019-0006, FMCSA-2019-0013, FMCSA-2019-0014, FMCSA-2019-
0015, FMCSA-2019-0019, or FMCSA-2020-0018 in the keyword box, and click 
``Search.'' Next, sort the results by ``Posted (Newer-Older),'' choose 
the first notice listed, and click ``Browse Comments.'' If you do not 
have access to the internet, you may view the docket online by visiting 
Dockets Operations in Room W12-140 on the ground floor of the DOT West 
Building, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590-0001, between 
9 a.m. and 5 p.m., ET, Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays. 
To be sure someone is there to help you, please call (202) 366-9317 or 
(202) 366-9826 before visiting Dockets Operations.

B. Privacy Act

    In accordance with 5 U.S.C. 553(c), DOT solicits comments from the 
public to better inform its regulatory process. DOT posts these 
comments, without edit, including any personal information the 
commenter provides, to www.regulations.gov, as described in the system 
of records notice (DOT/ALL-14 FDMS), which can be reviewed at 

II. Background

    On December 10, 2021, FMCSA published a notice announcing its 
decision to renew exemptions for 109 individuals from the vision 
requirement in 49 CFR 391.41(b)(10) to operate a CMV in interstate 
commerce and requested comments from the public (86 FR 70571). The 
public comment period ended on January 10, 2022, and no comments were 
    FMCSA has evaluated the eligibility of these applicants and 
determined that renewing these exemptions would achieve a level of 
safety equivalent to, or greater than, the level that would be achieved 
by complying with the current regulation Sec.  391.41(b)(10).
    The physical qualification standard for drivers regarding vision 
found in Sec.  391.41(b)(10) states that a person is physically 
qualified to drive a CMV if that person has distant visual acuity of at 
least 20/40 (Snellen) in each eye without corrective lenses or visual 
acuity separately corrected to 20/40 (Snellen) or better with 
corrective lenses, distant binocular acuity of a least 20/40 (Snellen) 
in both eyes with or without corrective lenses, field of vision of at 
least 70[deg] in the horizontal meridian in each eye, and the ability 
to recognize the colors of traffic signals and devices showing red, 
green, and amber.

III. Discussion of Comments

    FMCSA received no comments in this proceeding.

IV. Conclusion

    Based on its evaluation of the 109 renewal exemption applications 
and comments received, FMCSA confirms its decision to exempt the 
following drivers from the vision requirement in Sec.  391.41(b)(10).
    As of January 3, 2022, and in accordance with 49 U.S.C. 31136(e) 
and 31315(b), the following 87 individuals have satisfied the renewal 
conditions for obtaining an exemption from the vision requirement in 
the FMCSRs for interstate CMV drivers (63 FR 66226; 64 FR 27027; 64 FR 
54948; 66 FR 30502; 67 FR 68719; 68 FR 61857; 70 FR 17504; 70 FR 57353; 
71 FR 32183; 72 FR 8417; 72 FR 12666; 72 FR 39879; 74 FR 7097; 74 FR 
26461; 75 FR 47883; 75 FR 72863; 76 FR 9856; 76 FR 17481; 76 FR 18824; 
76 FR 25766; 76 FR 29022; 76 FR 49528; 76 FR 55465; 76 FR 64169; 77 FR 
17117; 78 FR 10251; 78 FR 12815; 78 FR 20376; 78 FR 24798; 78 FR 34143; 
78 FR 47818; 78 FR 63302; 78 FR 64274; 78 FR 67454; 79 FR 14571; 79 FR 
38659; 79 FR 58856; 79 FR 63211; 79 FR 73397; 80 FR 26139; 80 FR 31636; 
80 FR 40122; 80 FR 44188; 80 FR 59230; 80 FR 67476; 80 FR 70060; 82 FR 
12678; 82 FR 13187; 82 FR 17736; 82 FR 24430; 82 FR 34564; 82 FR 37504; 
82 FR 43647; 84 FR 2323; 84 FR 5550; 84 FR 11859; 84 FR 46088; 84 FR 
47050; 84 FR 52160):

Thomas E. Adams (IN)
William D. Amberman (PA)
Lawrence A. Angle (MO)
Robert F. Anneheim (NC)
Luis A. Bejarano (AZ)
Eugenio V. Bermudez (MA)
Johnny A. Bingham (NC)
Russell A. Bolduc (CT)
Jason W. Bowers (OR)
Kenneth E. Bross (MO)
Rickie L. Brown (MS)
Stacey J. Buckingham (ID)
Robert M. Cassell, Jr. (NC)
Julian Collins (GA)
Duane C. Conway (NV)
Andrew R. Cook (VT)
Thomas R. Crocker (SC)
Thomas W. Crouch (IN)
Jeffrey S. Daniel (VA)
John J. Davis (SC)
Walter C. Dean, Sr. (AL)
Gerald S. Dennis (IA)
Brad M. Donald (MI)
Dennis C. Edler (PA)
Denise M. Engle (GA)
Eric Esplin (UT)
Tomie L. Estes (MO)
Steven L. Forristall (WI)
John A. Gartner (MN)
William K. Gullett (KY)
Ahmed M. Gutale (MN)
Michael D. Halferty (IA)
John R. Harper (KS)
Steven E. Hayes (IN)
Richard Healy (MD)
Dustin K. Heimbach (PA)
Dennis H. Heller (KS)
Philip E. Henderson (MO)
Shane M. Holum (WA)
Michael D. Judy (KS)
Jeffrey A. Keefer (OH)
Purvis W. Kills Enemy At Night (SD)
Jay D. Labrum (UT)
Edward H. Lampe (OR)
Charles H. Lefew (VA)
Stephen C. Linardos (FL)
Daniel C. Linares (CA)
Lonnie Lomax, Jr. (IL)
Darrel R. Martin (MD)
Frederick L. McCurry (VA)
Keith W. McNabb (ID)
Dionicio Mendoza (TX)
Ronald S. Milkowski (NJ)
Pablo R. Murillo (TX)
Timothy W. Nappier (MI)
Tobias G. Olsen (ND)
James A. Parker (PA)
John R. Price (AR)
Kenneth A. Reddick (PA)
Francis D. Reginald (NJ)
Steven P. Richter (MN)
Danilo A. Rivera (MD)
Michael J. Robinson (WV)
Esequiel Rodriguez, Jr. (TX)
Jonathan C. Rollings (IA)
James R. Rupert (CA)
Craig R. Saari (MN)
Joaquin A. Sandoval (OR)
Eugene D. Self, Jr. (NC)
Michael L. Sherum (AL)
Levi A. Shetler (OH)
David W. Skillman (WA)
Boyd D. Stamey (NC)
Robert D. Steele (WA)
Neil G. Sturges (NY)
Jeffrey R. Swett (SC)
James B. Taflinger, Sr. (VA)
Lee T. Taylor (FL)
Steven L. Thomas (IN)
Dale A. Torkelson (WI)
Herman D. Truewell (FL)
Tristan A. Twito (TX)
Jeffrey Waterbury (NY)
Daniel A. Wescott (CO)
Gregory A. Woodward (OR)
Walter M. Yohn, Jr. (AL)
William E. Zezulka (MN)

    The drivers were included in docket numbers FMCSA-1998-4334; FMCSA-
1999-5578; FMCSA-1999-6156; FMCSA-2001-9561; FMCSA-2002-12844; FMCSA-
2003-16241; FMCSA-2005-20560; FMCSA-2005-22194; FMCSA-2006-24783; 
FMCSA-2006-26653; FMCSA-2007-27333; FMCSA-2007-27897; FMCSA-2008-0398;

[[Page 7236]]

FMCSA-2009-0121; FMCSA-2010-0187; FMCSA-2010-0354; FMCSA-2011-0010; 
FMCSA-2011-0024; FMCSA-2011-0057; FMCSA-2011-0092; FMCSA-2011-0102; 
FMCSA-2011-0142; FMCSA-2011-0189; FMCSA-2011-0366; FMCSA-2011-26690; 
FMCSA-2013-0021; FMCSA-2013-0022; FMCSA-2013-0025; FMCSA-2013-0027; 
FMCSA-2013-0029; FMCSA-2013-0165; FMCSA-2013-0168; FMCSA-2013-0169; 
FMCSA-2013-0170; FMCSA-2014-0003; FMCSA-2014-0007; FMCSA-2014-0296; 
FMCSA-2014-0297; FMCSA-2014-0299; FMCSA-2015-0048; FMCSA-2015-0049; 
FMCSA-2015-0053; FMCSA-2015-0055; FMCSA-2015-0056; FMCSA-2015-0070; 
FMCSA-2015-0072; FMCSA-2016-0213; FMCSA-2016-0214; FMCSA-2017-0014; 
FMCSA-2017-0018; FMCSA-2017-0020; FMCSA-2017-0022; FMCSA-2017-0023; 
FMCSA-2018-0209; FMCSA-2019-0004; FMCSA-2019-0006; FMCSA-2019-0013; 
FMCSA-2019-0014; and FMCSA-2019-0015. Their exemptions were applicable 
as of January 3, 2022 and will expire on January 3, 2024.
    As of January 5, 2022, and in accordance with 49 U.S.C. 31136(e) 
and 31315(b), the following individual has satisfied the renewal 
conditions for obtaining an exemption from the vision requirement in 
the FMCSRs for interstate CMV drivers (76 FR 70213):

George G. Ulferts, Jr. (IA)

    The driver was included in docket number FMCSA-2011-0298. The 
exemption was applicable as of January 5, 2022 and will expire on 
January 5, 2024.
    As of January 8, 2022, and in accordance with 49 U.S.C. 31136(e) 
and 31315(b), the following four individuals have satisfied the renewal 
conditions for obtaining an exemption from the vision requirement in 
the FMCSRs for interstate CMV drivers (72 FR 67340; 80 FR 76345):

Wayne A. Burnett (NC)
Thomas E. Gross (PA)
Steven G. Hall (NC)
Jason Huddleston (TX)

    The drivers were included in docket numbers FMCSA-2007-0017 and 
FMCSA-2015-0344. Their exemptions were applicable as of January 8, 2022 
and will expire on January 8, 2024.
    As of January 11, 2022, and in accordance with 49 U.S.C. 31136(e) 
and 31315(b), the following individual has satisfied the renewal 
conditions for obtaining an exemption from the vision requirement in 
the FMCSRs for interstate CMV drivers (82 FR 58262):

Christopher T. Peevyhouse (TN)

    The driver was included in docket number FMCSA-2017-0024. The 
exemption was applicable as of January 11, 2022 and will expire on 
January 11, 2024.
    As of January 15, 2022, and in accordance with 49 U.S.C. 31136(e) 
and 31315(b), the following two individuals have satisfied the renewal 
conditions for obtaining an exemption from the vision requirement in 
the FMCSRs for interstate CMV drivers (78 FR 64271):

Glenn H. Lewis (OH); and Roy A. Whitaker (TX)

    The drivers were included in docket number FMCSA-2013-0167. Their 
exemptions were applicable as of January 15, 2022 and will expire on 
January 15, 2024.
    As of January 22, 2022, and in accordance with 49 U.S.C. 31136(e) 
and 31315(b), the following individual has satisfied the renewal 
conditions for obtaining an exemption from the vision requirement in 
the FMCSRs for interstate CMV drivers (84 FR 69814):

Derrick A. Robinson (AL)

    The driver was included in docket number FMCSA-2020-0018. The 
exemption was applicable as of January 22, 2022 and will expire on 
January 22, 2024.
    As of January 23, 2022, and in accordance with 49 U.S.C. 31136(e) 
and 31315(b), the following individual has satisfied the renewal 
conditions for obtaining an exemption from the vision requirement in 
the FMCSRs for interstate CMV drivers (78 FR 67454):

Leonard A. Martin (NV)

    The driver was included in docket number FMCSA-2013-0170. The 
exemption was applicable as of January 23, 2022 and will expire on 
January 23, 2024.
    As of January 24, 2022, and in accordance with 49 U.S.C. 31136(e) 
and 31315(b), the following individual has satisfied the renewal 
conditions for obtaining an exemption from the vision requirement in 
the FMCSRs for interstate CMV drivers (76 FR 73769):

Mark A. Ferris (IA)

    The driver was included in docket number FMCSA-2011-0299. The 
exemption was applicable as of January 24, 2022 and will expire on 
January 24, 2024.
    As of January 27, 2022, and in accordance with 49 U.S.C. 31136(e) 
and 31315(b), the following individual has satisfied the renewal 
conditions for obtaining an exemption from the vision requirement in 
the FMCSRs for interstate CMV drivers (70 FR 71884):

Jason L. Light (ID)

    The driver was included in docket number FMCSA-2005-22727. The 
exemption is applicable as of January 27, 2022 and will expire on 
January 27, 2024.
    As of January 28, 2022, and in accordance with 49 U.S.C. 31136(e) 
and 31315(b), the following two individuals have satisfied the renewal 
conditions for obtaining an exemption from the vision requirement in 
the FMCSRs for interstate CMV drivers (74 FR 60022):

Donald E. Halvorson (NM); and Phillip J. Locke (CO)

    The drivers were included in docket number FMCSA-2009-0303. Their 
exemptions were applicable as of January 28, 2022 and will expire on 
January 28, 2024.
    As of January 29, 2022, and in accordance with 49 U.S.C. 31136(e) 
and 31315(b), the following four individuals have satisfied the renewal 
conditions for obtaining an exemption from the vision requirement in 
the FMCSRs for interstate CMV drivers (78 FR 67454):

Calvin J. Barbour (NY)
Jamie D. Daniels (IA)
Randy G. Kinney (IL)
Hector Marquez (TX)

    The drivers were included in docket number FMCSA-2013-0170. Their 
exemptions were applicable as of January 29, 2022 and will expire on 
January 29, 2024.
    As of January 30, 2022, and in accordance with 49 U.S.C. 31136(e) 
and 31315(b), the following four individuals have satisfied the renewal 
conditions for obtaining an exemption from the vision requirement in 
the FMCSRs for interstate CMV drivers (84 FR 72114):

Brian K. Boyd (TX)
Vincent M. Najera (CA)
Jameson A. Otto (TX)
Jose M. Vasquez (NY)

    The drivers were included in docket number FMCSA-2019-0019. Their 
exemptions were applicable as of January 30, 2022 and will expire on 
January 30, 2024.
    In accordance with 49 U.S.C. 31315(b), each exemption will be valid 
for 2 years from the effective date unless revoked earlier by FMCSA. 
The exemption will be revoked if the following occurs: (1) The person 
fails to comply with the terms and conditions of the exemption; (2) the 
exemption has resulted in a lower level of safety than was maintained 
prior to being granted; or (3) continuation of the exemption would not 
be consistent with the goals

[[Page 7237]]

and objectives of 49 U.S.C. 31136(e) and 31315(b).

Larry W. Minor,
Associate Administrator for Policy.
[FR Doc. 2022-02632 Filed 2-7-22; 8:45 am]

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