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Publication: The New York Times
Date: 6 April 1909
Subject: Pre-WWII Racing

Motor Racing Association Meets to Consider Possibilities.

Steps looking into the promotion of several twenty-four-hour automobile track races in this vicinity the coming racing season were taken yesterday, when the Motor Racing Association held a meeting in the Automobile Club of America. Prospects for the season were discussed and there resulted the appointment of a committee to learn the possibility of track racing on the Brighton Beach track, or if not there, then on other courses.

It is probable that the Aqueduct and Jamaica tracks may be considered as possibilities in the event that it is decided to abandon all idea of using the Brighton track. If these tracks or any other is found available, it is the intention of the association to hold three twenty-four-hour races this season. Whether or not this can be done will be settled at the annual meeting of the association, which is scheduled for the near future, the gathering yesterday having been more or less informal.

The Crittenden Automotive Library