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Statement from President Joe Biden on Historic Investment to Ensure Future of Auto Industry is Made in America

Publisher: The White House
Byline: President Joe Biden
Date: 11 July 2024
Subject: American Government

Building a clean energy economy can and should be a win-win for union autoworkers and automakers. This investment will create thousands of good-paying, union manufacturing jobs and retain even more—from Lansing, Michigan to Fort Valley, Georgia – by helping auto companies retool, reboot, and rehire in the same factories and communities. This delivers on my commitment to never give up on the manufacturing communities and workers that were left behind by my predecessor and are now making a comeback with the support of my policies, including the conversion grants my administration is announcing today. These grants will help ensure the future of the auto industry is made in America by American union workers. I’ll never stop fighting for the American auto industry and American autoworkers.


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