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Advisory Committee on Underride Protection; Notice of Public Meetings

Publication: Federal Register
Agency: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Byline: Raymond R. Posten
Date: 17 January 2024
Subjects: American Government , Safety, Trucking

[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 11 (Wednesday, January 17, 2024)]
[Pages 3020-3021]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2024-00733]



National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

[Docket No. NHTSA-2024-0002]

Advisory Committee on Underride Protection; Notice of Public 

AGENCY: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Department of 
Transportation (DOT).

ACTION: Notice of public meetings.


SUMMARY: The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) 
announces multiple meetings of the Advisory Committee on Underride 
Protection (ACUP). This notice announces the date, time, and location 
of these meetings, which will be open the public. The purpose of ACUP 
is to provide advice and recommendations to the Secretary of 
Transportation on safety regulations to reduce underride crashes and 
fatalities relating to underride crashes.

DATES: The four ACUP meetings will be held on February 8, March 13, 
April 24, and May 22, 2024, from 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. ET. Pre-
registration is required to attend each online meeting. A link

[[Page 3021]]

permitting access to the meeting will be distributed to registrants 
within 24 hours of the meeting start time.

ADDRESSES: Each meeting will be held virtually via Zoom. Information 
and registration for the meetings will be available on the NHTSA 
website (https://www.nhtsa.gov/events-and-public-meetings) at least one 
week in advance of the meeting.

Transportation, Special Vehicles and Systems Division, 1200 New Jersey 
Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590, acup@dot.gov or (202) 493-0031.


I. Background

    ACUP was established as a statutory committee pursuant to section 
23011(d) of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), Public 
Law 117-58 (commonly referred to as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law 
or BIL), and in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Advisory 
Committee Act (FACA), as amended, 5 U.S.C. app. 2. The purpose of ACUP 
is to provide information, advice, and recommendations to the Secretary 
of Transportation on safety regulations to reduce underride crashes and 
fatalities relating to underride crashes.
    The Committee duties include the following:
    a. Gathering information as necessary to discuss issues presented 
by the Designated Federal Officer (DFO).
    b. Deliberating on issues relevant to safety regulations related to 
underride crashes and fatalities from underride crashes.
    c. Providing written consensus advice to the Secretary on underride 
protection to reduce underride crashes and fatalities relating to 
underride crashes.

II. Agenda

    The agenda for the 3rd ACUP meeting on February 8, 2024, will 
include the following:

[ssquf] Welcome & Call to Order
[ssquf] Overview of Rulemaking Process
[ssquf] Presentations
[ssquf] Discussion
    a. Rear underride crashes
    b. Prevention and mitigation technologies
    c. Committee's recommendations to the Secretary of Transportation 
and Committee's report to Congress
[ssquf] Motions
[ssquf] Public Comment Period
[ssquf] Wrap Up, Assignments, and Adjourn

    The agenda for the 4th ACUP meeting on March 13, 2024, will include 
the following:

[ssquf] Welcome & Call to Order
[ssquf] Presentations
[ssquf] Discussion
    a. Side underride crashes
    b. Prevention and mitigation technologies
    c. Committee's recommendations to the Secretary of Transportation 
and Committee's report to Congress
[ssquf] Motions
[ssquf] Public Comment Period
[ssquf] Wrap Up, Assignments, and Adjourn

    The agenda for the 5th ACUP meeting on April 24, 2024, will include 
the following:

[ssquf] Welcome & Call to Order
[ssquf] Presentations
[ssquf] Discussion
    a. Front override crashes
    b. Prevention and mitigation technologies
    c. Committee's recommendations to the Secretary of Transportation 
and Committee's report to Congress
[ssquf] Motions
[ssquf] Public Comment Period
[ssquf] Wrap Up, Assignments, and Adjourn

    The agenda for the 6th ACUP meeting on May 22, 2024, will include 
the following:

[ssquf] Welcome & Call to Order
[ssquf] Presentations
[ssquf] Discussion
    a. Underride data needs
    b. Committee's recommendations to the Secretary of Transportation 
and Committee's report to Congress
[ssquf] Motions
[ssquf] Public Comment Period
[ssquf] Wrap Up, Assignments, and Adjourn

III. Public Participation

    The meetings will be open to the public. We are committed to 
providing equal access to this meeting for all participants. Persons 
with disabilities in need of an accommodation should send a request to 
the individual in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section of this 
notice no later than one week prior to each meeting.
    Members of the public wanting to reserve time to speak directly to 
the Committee during the meeting must submit a request. The request 
must include the name, contact information (address, phone number, and 
email address), and organizational affiliation of the individual 
wishing to address ACUP; it must also include a written copy of 
prepared remarks and must be forwarded to the individual listed in the 
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section of this notice no later than 
one week before each meeting. Due to limited availability of public 
speaking time, some requests may not be granted.
    Members of the public may also submit written materials, questions, 
and comments to the Committee in advance to the individual listed in 
the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section of this notice no later 
than one week before each meeting. All advance submissions will be 
reviewed by the DFO. Advance submissions shall be circulated to ACUP 
representatives for review prior to the meeting. Advance submissions 
that become part of the committee deliberations will become part of the 
official record of the meeting.
    Authority: The Committee is established as a statutory committee 
under the authority of section 23011 of IIJA, Pub. L. 117-58 (2021), 
and established in accordance with the provisions of the FACA, as 
amended, 5 U.S.C. app. 2.

Raymond R. Posten,
Associate Administrator for Rulemaking.
[FR Doc. 2024-00733 Filed 1-16-24; 8:45 am]

The Crittenden Automotive Library