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Battery Safety Post-Incident Stakeholder Meeting

Publication: Federal Register
Agency: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Transportation Policy
Byline: Scott Goldstein
Date: 9 August 2024
Subject: American Government , Electric Vehicles, Safety

[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 154 (Friday, August 9, 2024)]
[Page 65490]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2024-17786]



[Docket No. DOT-OST-2024-0092]

Battery Safety Post-Incident Stakeholder Meeting

AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Transportation Policy, 
Department of Transportation (DOT).

ACTION: Notice of public meeting.


SUMMARY: The Department of Transportation will convene a meeting on 
August 27, 2024, as an opportunity to share information with the public 
on activities regarding lithium-ion battery safety in a post-incident 
scenario. At this event, which will be broadcast virtually for the 
audience, representatives from DOT and other agencies and organizations 
will discuss electric vehicles and fire safety topics related to 
lithium-ion batteries. The format will include presentations with an 
opportunity for the audience to ask questions after each topic. 
Materials presented will be available on the DOT web page after the 

DATES: DOT will hold the public meeting on August 27, 2024, from 9 a.m. 
to 12:30 p.m. eastern time. Registration to attend the meeting must be 
received no later than August 26, 2024. There is no cost to register. 
Registration can be completed at https://usdot.zoomgov.com/webinar/register/WN_yhD1XAMYTeSp4xi5gbt2Aw.

ADDRESSES: The online access link to the meeting will be available upon 
registration. Details regarding the agenda and speakers will be added 
to the DOT web page prior to the event, at https://www.transportation.gov/battery-safety-post-incident-stakeholder-meeting. The material presented at the meeting will also be added to 
the DOT web page.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: If you have questions about the public 
meeting, please contact Elizabeth Machek at 781-483-2415 or by email at 

    Registration is required for all attendees. Attendees should 
register at https://usdot.zoomgov.com/webinar/register/WN_yhD1XAMYTeSp4xi5gbt2Aw by August 26, 2024.
    DOT is committed to providing equal access to this meeting for all 
participants. Persons with disabilities in need of an accommodation 
should contact Mirna Providence at 617-494-3344, or via email at 
Mirna.Providence@dot.gov, with your request as soon as possible and no 
later than August 16, 2024. Closed captioning services will be 
    Should it be necessary to cancel or reschedule the event due to an 
unforeseen circumstance, DOT will take all available measures to notify 
registered participants as soon as possible. The event will be 
recorded, and a recording will be posted to the DOT web page after the 
    Privacy Act: As this event will be recorded and made available to 
the public, any comments you make or questions you ask at this meeting 
will be included in the publicly available information. For information 
on DOT's compliance with the Privacy Act, see https://www.transportation.gov/privacy.
    Across the federal government, experts are working to assure the 
safety of operators, occupants, passersby, and emergency response 
personnel with regard to post-incident lithium-ion battery-powered 
vehicles. DOT hosted an Electric Vehicle Summit in the summer of 2022 
and again in the summer of 2023 to bring together stakeholders and 
establish an ongoing discourse regarding the safety of these vehicles. 
DOT is hosting this event on August 27, 2024, to continue that 
discussion and update stakeholders and the public.
    The Battery Safety Post-Incident Stakeholder meeting will convene 
experts across DOT Operating Administrations and other Federal agencies 
responsible for vehicle and fire safety, as well as organizations and 
members of the public with expertise or interest in areas of battery 
safety, electrical standards, and emergency management services. Topics 
will include stranded energy, fire incident response, heavy vehicle 
consideration, damaged EV response, EV water immersion, and emerging 
battery technologies. Sessions will include presentations from 
individuals or panels and, as time allows, an opportunity for attendees 
to ask questions. DOT is not seeking consensus advice or 
recommendations on any topic from attendees at the meeting. 
Presentations will be displayed during the sessions and added to the 
DOT web page after the meeting.

Scott Goldstein,
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Transportation Policy.
[FR Doc. 2024-17786 Filed 8-8-24; 8:45 am]

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