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Texas Man Admits Stealing $319,000 from Armored Car

Publisher: U.S. Attorney's Office, Eastern District of Missouri
Byline: Robert Patrick
Dateline: St. Louis, Missouri
Date: 3 May 2024
Subjects: American Government , Crime

ST. LOUIS – A man from Texas on Thursday admitted stealing $319,000 from an armored car at an Overland, Missouri shopping center in 2022.

On June 16, 2022, Malik Johnson broke into an armored truck that was parked at the Overland Plaza shopping center while the driver was picking up cash from a retailer there. Johnson grabbed three bags that contained a total of $319,179, and then took the money to his home in the Houston suburbs.

Johnson, 26, pleaded guilty Thursday to interstate transportation of stolen property. 

He is scheduled to be sentenced August 5. The charge carries a penalty of up to 10 years in prison, a $250,000 fine or both prison and a fine. He will also be ordered to repay the money.

The Overland Police Department investigated the case. Assistant U.S. Attorney Gwen Carroll is prosecuting the case.

Robert Patrick, Public Affairs Officer, robert.patrick@usdoj.gov.

Updated July 18, 2024

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