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Bus accident in Buffalo, New York leaves at least eight injured


Bus accident in Buffalo, New York leaves at least eight injured

October 26, 2008

Buffalo, New York – An accident involving a city bus and a car at Sycamore and Monroe streets in the city of Buffalo, New York, United States, has injured at least 10 people, some seriously. The accident happened around 4:00 p.m. (EDT).

According to Buffalo Fire Department radio communications, at least two of the four people in the car will have to be removed by the 'jaws of life'. Their condition is considered serious. The condition of the other two passengers is not known.

There are at least eight people on the bus. At about 4:15 p.m., a mobile triage was dispatched to the scene to determine how many of the passengers on the bus would need to be taken to local hospitals for treatment. At least six will be "packaged" and transported to Buffalo General Hospital.

By, 4:20 p.m., at least one of the trapped passengers was removed from the car. By 4:30, the second passenger had been removed. Both will also be treated at Buffalo General Hospital.

The bus is operated by the Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority. The cause of the accident is under investigation.

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