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Publication: Automotive Daily News
Dateline: Washington, D.C.
Date: 27 August 1925
Subject: Petroleum
Topics: Pennzoil, Mobil

Oil Substitution Suit Called Standard Suit To Hit Competition

Washington, Aug. 27.—(By A. D. N. Service).—“The suit filed against the Penn Oil Company in connection with the alleged misuse of the name “Mobiloil” is another attempt of the Standard Oil interests to discredit competition in the oil industry,” Alvin L. Newmayer, attorney for the Penn Oil Company, declared in a statement made public today.

The bill in equity against the Penn Oil Company was filed on behalf of the Vacuum Oil Company of New York, by the National Better Business Bureau, as part of a national campaign to stamp out the oil substitution evil.

Mr. Newmayer declared the Penn Oil Company does not offer for sale “mobiloil,” or any other product of the Standard Oil Company, of which the Vacuum Oil Company is a subsidiary. “We would welcome,” said Mr. Newmayer, “a complete and impartial investigation by the Better Business Bureau and we are confident that the accusation will not only be conclusively disproved, but the real motive behind the action exposed.”

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