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Publication: Automotive Daily News
Dateline: New York, New York
Date: 27 August 1925
Subject: Petroleum
Topics: Pennzoil, Mobil

New York, Aug. 27.—“Here is our answer to the Penn Oil Company,” said F. W. Lovejoy, director of sales promotion for the Vacuum Oil Company, to the Automotive Daily News, as he pointed to a letter from the National Better Business Bureau. The letter contained an announcement as follows:—

“The statement of the attorneys for the Penn Oil Company to the effect that the company would welcome a Better Business Bureau investigation of the charges that it has been substituting inferior for high grade oils, has been brought to our attention. The best answer that we can make is that the investigation upon which the Vacuum Oil Company makes its application for an injunction against the Penn Oil Company was conducted under the National Better Business Bureau direction and evidence to be introduced at the hearing before Supreme Court Justice McAvoy was collected by our own investigators.”

In the suit against the Peen Oil Company it is alleged that oil being sold as “Mobiloil A” was actually crankcase drainings, which had been imperfectly reclaimed. Numerous cases were found, according to the investigator, where motorists were paying $1.20 a gallon for what they thought was high grade oil.

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