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Woman with world's longest fingernails loses them in car crash

Woman with world's longest fingernails loses them in car crash

February 15, 2009

A woman who held the Guinness World Record for having the world's longest fingernails has lost them in a four-car accident in her hometown of Salt Lake City, Utah in the United States.

66-year-old Lee Redmond was seriously injured after she was ejected from the sports utility vehicle (SUV) she had been a passenger in. It had collided with one car, causing it to collide with two other cars on Tuesday February 10. She is expected to make a full recovery.

"[Her nails] were damaged beyond repair," reported the BBC, quoting Guinness World Records, who also said that Redmond's nails were "a fundamental part of her life and unique character". The cause of the crash is not yet known and an investigation is ongoing.

Redmond is credited by the Guinness Book for having a combined fingernail length of 28 feet, the longest on record. She has been growing all eight fingers and two thumbnails since 1979. Her longest of all nails was her right thumb, which was 2ft and eleven inches long.

Before Redmond was named as the record holder in 2006, Shridhar Chillal from India had the longest at a combined length of just over twenty feet.

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