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Huntley traffic woes - Route 47

McHenry County, Illinois

Huntley traffic woes - Route 47

Gus Philpott
Woodstock Advocate
May 15, 2010

Be sure to read the article on www.firstelectricnewspaper.com about the traffic problems on Route 47 in Huntley, especially the part about what will happen to you, if you get caught using a Huntley neighborhood street to avoid back-ups on Route 47.

Huntley Police plan aggressive enforcement against drivers who cut through neighborhoods. How can they do that, if you are driving on public roads?

Frankly, if I obey speed limits and traffic control devices, I'll use any street I want to that is a public road, in the absence of a police officer lawfully re-directing traffic. Keyword? "Lawfully!"

Sure, residents might not "want" extra traffic on their streets. Police might be out there to write tickets and they will be writing tickets. But will the tickets be valid? They will be, based on any ordinance Huntley might pass to restrict traffic on public streets? BUT, is any such ordinance lawful? Constitutional? If not, the ordinance and the tickets will be invalid!

Who will decide to challenge a Huntley traffic ordinance on Constitutional grounds? Do you have more money that the Village of Huntley is willing to pay its Village attorney to fight you in court?

The best thing to do, if you want to keep your sanity and save time, too? AVOID Huntley until the Route 47 improvements have been completed.

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