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Cops & Donuts

McHenry County, Illinois

Cops & Donuts

Gus Philpott
Woodstock Advocate
July 24, 2010

You know all the old jokes about cops and donuts...

Today is the 4th Annual Cops Donut Run, apparently sponsored by the McHenry County P.D. (according to small print at the top of this sign). I'm not sure exactly what the "McHenry County P.D." but it's close enough for government work. The starting point for today's "run" was Woodstock Harley-Davidson.

The McHenry County Sheriff's Department was represented by several deputies, presumably off-duty, and MARV was there and open for inspection. I noticed that other spectators were invited to enter MARV through the open back doors, but the invitation was not extended to me.

People might wonder at how I am able to withstand such obvious rejection, but they probably don't know I was in the life insurance business for 18 years. After that, I can handle anything!

One thing I did notice about MARV was the absence of front and rear license plates. I didn't see how it got to Woodstock Harley-Davidson. It must have been brought on a trailer. Surely, no deputy would operate a motor vehicle on a public roadway without proper registration. (Would he?)

Also, MCCD was there with a trailer displaying a snowmobile and a quad. I had to wonder where the license plate was for the trailer being towed by the MCCD marked squad.

Why is it that those nagging little details just jump right out at me?

Did any deputy wonder about the absence of registration (license plates) on MARV or on the MCCD trailer?

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