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Toyota Suspends Exports to Iran

Topics:  Toyota

Toyota Suspends Exports to Iran

VOA News
August 11, 2010 at 12:15 pm

Japan’s Toyota Motor Company says it has suspended exports to Iran because of international pressure on companies doing business with the country.

Toyota representatives announced the decision Wednesday, citing international sanctions imposed on Iran by the United States and the United Nations to punish Tehran for its nuclear program.

The move will not have much of an impact on Toyota’s sales, as the company has only exported about 220 cars to Iran this year.

The United States remains a very important market for Toyota, and Washington has urged foreign companies to limit their business with Iran.

The United States and several other western countries are concerned Iran is seeking to develop a nuclear weapon. Tehran says its nuclear activity is for peaceful purposes only.

Some information in this story was provided by AFP, Bloomberg and Reuters.

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