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Stock Car Racing Topics:  Richie Evans, Jerry Cook


Jeremy T. Sellers
Jerm's Joint
September 13, 2010

After a couple years of buying "NASCAR Illustrated" off of the shelves, they had a great subscription offer earlier this summer that saved me a ton of dough. So, I gave in, paid my dues, got my free hat, and anxiously awaited my first issue to pop into my mailbox. Only three magazines in, and I'm ready to tell them to take their publication and shove it up their...well, you know. What's got my panties in a bunch you may ask (or not), but I'm going to tell you anyway! A monthly column titled "Ranting and Racing" by Buzz Cutler in the October Issue.

He discusses this year's 25 nominations to the NASCAR Hall of Fame but goes out of his way to single two out and go on to state that "neither should be honored with enshrinement in the NASCAR Hall of Fame". Those who he speaks are legendary modified rivals Richie Evans and Jerry Cook. Though they have 15 NASCAR modified titles between them, and the fact that one of Evans' rides sits with other legendary cup cars in the hall (I know, I was just there), however doesn't give him the right to be recognized for his accomplishments, not to mention Cook's!

As if that wasn't enough, Cutler goes on to say, "I wouldn't want to see Sam Ard, Larry Pearson, or Randy LaJoie in the Hall of Fame either-despite the fact that each won sequential Nationwide championships" . Is this guy serious?! You know, when I was at the HOF last Friday, I didn't see anywhere on or in the structure where it said "NASCAR Cup Hall of Fame" though Buzz addresses that issue by stating "Cup is implied". Really? How?! I saw memorabilia from all series in NASCAR's midst: Modified, Busch now Nationwide, and cup. So I don't understand HOW that was implied. What indeed he DOES imply is that a NASCAR driver who doesn't make it to the top touring series isn't worthy of being given the ultimate acknowledgment for their accomplishments. Hideous!

Cutler attempts to address the fact that folks say if it weren't for the local venues, there would have never been a cup series by stating, "Maybe, but if Cup racing hadn't gotten so big would folks keep heading to their local bullring every Saturday night?" Well, since he penned so much speculation, let me do the same by simply stating, "Hell yes they would!" Motor heads love competition, no matter what class name is thrown on it! I have to wonder if Buzz would have the juevos to say this to Evans and Cook or hide behind his keyboard? If this is to start a precedence, the powers to be should consider re-naming the hall of fame to clarify that it only caters to ONE of its divisional series' or put a cork in Cutler's pie hole!

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