![]() Anthropomorphic Test Dummy; Occupant Crash Protection |
Ricardo Martinez
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
February 4, 1998
[Federal Register: February 4, 1998 (Volume 63, Number 23)] [Rules and Regulations] [Page 5746-5748] From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov] [DOCID:fr04fe98-16] ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 49 CFR Part 572 [Docket No. NHTSA-98-3296] RIN 2127-AF41 Anthropomorphic Test Dummy; Occupant Crash Protection AGENCY: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), Department of Transportation. ACTION: Final rule; technical amendment. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY: In December 1996, NHTSA published a rule amending the specifications for the Hybrid III test dummy. The dummy is specified by the agency for use in compliance testing under its occupant protection standard. The amendments made minor modifications in the dummy's femurs and ankles to improve biofidelity. In response to petitions for reconsideration, this document makes minor technical amendments and corrections to that rule. DATES: Effective Date: The amendments are effective March 6, 1998. Petitions: Petitions for reconsideration must be received by March 23, 1998. ADDRESSES: Petitions for reconsideration should refer to the docket number of this rule and be submitted to: Administrator, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20590. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For nonlegal issues: Stan Backaitis, Office of Crashworthiness Standards (telephone: 202-366-4912). For legal issues: Edward Glancy, Office of the Chief Counsel (202-366- 2992). Both can be reached at the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh St., S.W., Washington, D.C. 20590. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On December 26, 1996, NHTSA published in the Federal Register (61 FR 67953) a rule amending the specifications for the Hybrid III test dummy. The dummy is specified by the agency for use in compliance testing under Standard No. 208, Occupant Crash Protection. The amendments made minor modifications in the dummy's femurs and ankles to improve biofidelity. The agency [[Page 5747]] explained that while the modifications may have some minimal effect on head injury criterion (HIC), chest, and femur test data, the resulting improvement in data quality and reliability will more than offset these differences and make the dummy more useful in tests at the more severe impact conditions of some research and vehicle development programs. The American Automobile Manufacturers Association (AAMA) submitted a petition for reconsideration of those amendments, requesting ``minor technical corrections to the hip-femur flexion test portion of the amendment based on discovery of some apparently inadvertent revisions in the transcript of the final rule.'' That organization noted that the revised dummy femur/hip joint and ankle/foot specifications were based on a cooperative effort between the auto industry, dummy manufacturers, and the agency. This work was conducted primarily through the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Dummy Family Task Group. AAMA explained its requested changes as follows: Section 572.35(c)(1) of the amendment specifies the new hip joint femur flexion verification test. The first part of the associated performance specification states that ``* * * the femur rotation at 50 ft-lbf of torque will not be more than 36 deg. from its initial horizontal orientation * * *.'' The description of this requirement in the amendment ``preamble'' is ``* * * a load [moment] of 50 ft-lbf cannot be exceeded before the femur rotates 36 degrees.'' Data from SAE Task Group round-robin testing * * * show that some pelvises (especially new ones) would not meet the ``specification'' described in the preamble. This may cause some unintended confusion. Accordingly, we recommend the following minor change in the regulatory language for clarification, based on the SAE Task Group data: ``* * * the femur torque at 30 degrees rotation from its initial horizontal orientation will not be more than 70 ft- lbf * * *.'' The second part of the section 572.35(c)(1) performance specification states that ``* * * at 150 ft-lbf of torque [the femur rotation] will not be less than 46 deg. or more than 52 deg.'' The SAE Task Group agreed at its meeting of May 24, 1995 that the flexion angle range should be approximately 41 to 48 degrees at 150 ft-lbf of applied torque, based on the round robin testing data. The 46 to 52 degree angle range corresponded to a torque of 250 ft-lbf. The 150 ft-lbf torque with its corresponding angle range was chosen because (1) the 250 ft-lbf torque had been shown to damage the pelvis flesh, and (2) use of the 150 ft lbf torque would facilitate detection of changes in the hip-femur range of motion without significant damage to the pelvis. Thus, the 150 ft-lbf specification with its corresponding angle range is sufficient for the purpose of the verification test. Accordingly, consistent with the SAE Task Group data and round-off convention, we recommend the following minor change to the specification: ``* * * at 150 ft-lbf of torque will not be less than 40 deg. or more than 50 deg.'' NHTSA has evaluated the minor technical changes recommended by AAMA and concluded that they have merit. With respect to specification of femur torque at 30 deg. of rotation, AAMA's recommendation provides a more precise definition of when the torque measurement is to be made. The current specification allows the torque to reach the 50 ft-lbf value at any rotation at or before 36 deg. This torque level was established on the basis of tests with several modified, but previously used dummies whose femur flesh is somewhat less resistant to femur motion than that of newly manufactured dummies. At this range of femur rotation resistance torque is made up primarily of vinyl flesh compression rather than direct femur to pelvis bone bumper engagement. The slightly higher torque in the AAMA recommendation is small enough not to have any effect on the dummy's impact response, but will allow newly manufactured dummies to pass the calibration test specifications. In addition, the AAMA recommendation to measure the resisting torque at a given femur rotation will provide a more consistent measurement of torque at a point just before the engagement with the femur bumper occurs instead of at any rotation before the 36 degrees are reached. Data submitted by AAMA show that torque measurement at various rotation levels would allow more variation than needed and would serve no purpose. AAMA also recommended centering the femur rotation window at the 150 ft-lbf torque level by lowering the top limit from 52 deg to 50 deg. and the bottom limit from 46 deg. to 40 deg. This adjusted range is needed to accommodate new dummies whose new and unexercised flesh provides slightly more resistance to rotation than those dummies that have been previously exposed to impacts. Both requested adjustments are minor corrections of the originally specified ranges. They have been derived and evaluated by the SAE Task Group. NHTSA agrees they are sufficient for the purpose of verification tests. NHTSA also received a petition for reconsideration concerning the hip-femur flexion test portion of the amendment from Applied Safety Technologies Corporation, and a request for technical amendment from Toyota. Those companies raised similar issues to those raised by AAMA, and the amendments being made respond to their concerns. AAMA also identified two typographical errors in the final rule. That organization stated: First, in the drawing list table following section 572.31(a)(3), the date listed for the ``78051-123 arm assembly--complete (LH)'' is ``May 20, 1996'' (emphasis added). We are not aware of any changes made to the arm assembly drawing in 1996, and believe that the correct year is 1978 (consistent with the date listed for the right hand arm assembly, for example). Second, paragraph (c)(2)(v) at the end of the revised section 572.35 regulatory text in the amendment transcript references ``paragraph (c)(3) of this section'' regarding operating environment and temperature specifications. There is no such paragraph in the revised section 572.35. Temperature and humidity conditions are specified in paragraph (b)(2)(ii) of revised section 572.35. Accordingly, this should be the reference in paragraph (c)(2)(v) of this section. NHTSA agrees that these were typographical errors and is correcting them. These minor technical amendments were not reviewed under E.O. 12866. NHTSA has considered costs and other factors associated with these amendments, and determined that these amendments do not change any of the conclusions in the December 1996 final rule regarding the impacts of that final rule, including the impacts on small businesses, manufacturers and other entities. List of Subjects in 49 CFR Part 572 Motor vehicle safety. In consideration of the foregoing, NHTSA amends 49 CFR part 572 as follows: PART 572--[AMENDED] 1. The authority citation for part 572 continues to read as follows: Authority: 49 U.S.C. 322, 30111, 30115, 30117 and 30166; delegation of authority at 49 CFR 1.50. Subpart E--Hybrid III Dummy 2. Section 572.31 is amended by revising paragraph (a)(3) to read as follows: Sec. 572.31 General description. (a) * * * (3) A General Motors Drawing No. 78051-218, revision S, titled ``Hybrid III Anthropomorphic Test Dummy,'' dated May 20, 1978, the following component assemblies, and subordinate drawings: [[Page 5748]] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Drawing No. Revision ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 78051-61 head assembly--complete, dated May (T) 20, 1978. 78051-90 neck assembly--complete, dated May (A) 20, 1978. 78051-89 upper torso assembly--complete, (K) dated May 20, 1978. 78051-70 lower torso assembly--complete, (E) dated August 20, 1996, except for drawing No. 78051-55, ``Instrumentation Assembly-- Pelvic Accelerometer,'' dated August 2, 1979. 86-5001-001 leg assembly--complete (LH), (A) dated March 26, 1996. 86-5001-002 leg assembly--complete (RH), (A) dated March 26, 1996. 78051-123 arm assembly--complete (LH), dated (D) May 20, 1978. 78051-124 arm assembly--complete (RH), dated (D) May 20, 1978. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * * * * 3. Section 572.35 is amended by revising paragraphs (c)(1) and (c)(2)(v) to read as follows: Sec. 572.35 Limbs. * * * * * (c) Hip joint-femur flexion. (1) When each femur is rotated in the flexion direction in accordance with paragraph (c)(2) of this section, the femur torque at 30 deg. rotation from its initial horizontal orientation will not be more than 70 ft-lbf, and at 150 ft-lbf of torque will not be less than 40 deg. or more than 50 deg. (2) * * * (v) Operating environment and temperature are the same as specified in paragraph (b)(2)(ii) of this section. * * * * * Issued: January 29, 1998. Ricardo Martinez, Administrator. [FR Doc. 98-2645 Filed 2-3-98; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4910-59-P