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Crash still not in the news

McHenry County, Illinois

Crash still not in the news

Gus Philpott
November 6, 2010

Last Sunday's early-morning roll-over crash in McHenry County is still not reported by the print media of McHenry County. Why not?

I guess it's not news, when a McHenry County Sheriff's Department Corrections Officer rolls his truck at 3:30AM near or at a T-intersection in the County. First reports to me were that it was a deputy; now it appears that the driver was a corrections officer. I have the name and confirmation that something is going on internally regarding that named-corrections officer and the crash.

Still waiting for Sheriff Nygren to reply to an email sent to him before 8:00AM on Thursday.

As a citizen I am entitled to a response. If the sheriff is out-of-town (Minocqua? vacation time?), then someone ought to be reading his email and directing email to a department employee for a response. He does have a secretary, doesn't he? And there is an Undersheriff on the payroll.

So what is the secrecy all about? When the McHenry County Sheriff's Department withholds information from the media, just because a department employee is involved, that is wrong. The media (editors of the Northwest Herald and Daily Herald) ought to be all over MCSD about this.

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