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Sign bites the dust

McHenry County, Illinois

Sign bites the dust

Gus Philpott
Woodstock Advocate
April 11, 2011

It's not unusual to see traffic signs and signposts knocked down along state highways. Common locations are on medians that separate traffic lanes and at intersections.

It's a little unusual to see a sign clipped in a parking lot. This one is in the back parking lot at the McHenry County Sheriff's Department, where squad cars and employee cars are parked.

Was someone in a hurry to leave one night? Was he or she in hurry to get somewhere? Or in a hurry to get away from some place? Or maybe it was hit that night it was so foggy.

Along the left edge of the photo you can see where the signpost was broken off near the ground. The signpost itself is bent, and the lower sign will need a little straightening. (To enlarge the image, click on the photo; then click on the Back button on your browser to come back here.)

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