![]() Parts and Accessories Necessary for Safe Operation; Sleeper Berths on Motorcoaches |
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Rodney E. Slater (Federal Register)
January 12, 1994
[Federal Register Volume 59, Number 8 (Wednesday, January 12, 1994)] [Unknown Section] [Page 0] From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov] [FR Doc No: 94-738] [[Page Unknown]] [Federal Register: January 12, 1994] ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Highway Administration 49 CFR Part 393 [FHWA Docket No. MC-93-34] RIN 2125-AD25 Parts and Accessories Necessary for Safe Operation; Sleeper Berths on Motorcoaches AGENCY: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), DOT. ACTION: Advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPRM). ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY: The FHWA requests public comment on the use and design of driver sleeper berths in the motorcoach industry. Existing sleeper berth regulations were written with commercial trucks and truck- tractors in mind. The agency seeks comments on the suitability of these regulations for motorcoaches and the possibility of amending them to account for design differences between trucks and motorcoaches. This action is being taken in response to comments received at the motorcoach industry Zero-Base Review hearing held in Miami, Florida, on January 20, 1993, and written requests from the motorcoach industry. DATES: Comments must be received on or before March 14, 1994. ADDRESSES: All signed, written comments should refer to the docket number that appears at the top of this document and must be submitted to HCC-10, room 4232, Office of the Chief Counsel, Federal Highway Administration, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington DC 20590. All comments received will be available for examination at the above address from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., e.t., Monday through Friday, except legal Federal holidays. Those desiring notification of receipt of comments must include a self-addressed stamped postcard or envelope. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Bryan L. Price, Office of Motor Carrier Standards, (202) 366-5720, or Mr. Charles Medalen, Office of the Chief counsel, (202) 366-1354, Federal Highway Administration, Department of Transportation, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590. Office hours are from 7:45 a.m. to 4:15 p.m., e.t., Monday through Friday, except legal Federal holidays. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On January 20, 1993, the FHWA held a public hearing in Miami, FL, as part of our Zero-Base Review of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs) to obtain information, views, and opinions from representatives of the motorcoach industry (see 57 FR 60784). Four out of ten industry representatives who testified at the hearing voiced concerns about the suitability of existing sleeper berth regulations for motorcoaches. A common theme among those who testified on this subject was that the current sleeper berth regulations were written specifically for trucks and truck-tractors without considering the unique design characteristics of motorcoaches. A complete transcript of this hearing is on file and available for review in the FHWA docket room under FHWA Docket No. MC-92-33-182. Both the American Bus Association and the United Bus Owners of America have also indicated to the FHWA that the suitability of existing sleeper berth regulations for motorcoaches is a concern of their members. The FHWA has also received written requests from the motorcoach industry to revise the current sleeper berth regulations to account for design differences between motorcoaches and trucks. (Copies of these letters are included in FHWA Docket No. MC-93-34.) In response to these concerns and as part of the FHWA's efforts to eliminate unnecessarily design-restrictive regulations, a review of the rulemaking history of the current sleeper berth requirements was completed. The review indicated that sleeper berths on motorcoaches may not have been considered when the existing sleeper berth regulations were promulgated. In a final rule published on May 15, 1952 (17 FR 4422), the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) revised most of the existing Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs) and created a number of new regulations. One new regulation set forth detailed specifications for sleeper berths. The rule required that every sleeper berth installed in or on a truck or truck-tractor after December 31, 1952, be located within or immediately adjacent to the cab, or within the cargo space of a truck, and be provided with a direct and ready means of exit into the driver's compartment (17 FR 4443). These requirements are now codified at 49 CFR 393.76(b)(2) and 393.76(c)(1), respectively. In addition, the regulations also required that any sleeper berth which could not meet this standard, in essence those installed on trucks or truck-tractors before December 31, 1952, be provided with means of communication between the occupant of the berth and the driver. The berth also had to be designed, constructed, and maintained to provide the occupant, without the assistance of other persons, at least two means of ready exit from the motor vehicle. These requirements are now codified at 49 CFR 393.76(d) and 393.76(c)(2)(ii), respectively. Because motorcoach operators rarely used sleeper berths forty years ago, the ICC drafted a rule for trucks and truck-tractors. Practices in the motorcoach industry have changed, however, and some operators would like to use sleeper berths to reduce driver fatigue and to help comply with driver's hours of service regulations. The 1952 regulations did not address sleeper berths on motorcoaches, nor have any subsequent rulemakings done so. On July 3, 1970, the FHWA published a final rule relating to seat belts and restraint of sleeper berth occupants (35 FR 10859). That rule differentiated between trucks and buses with regard to seats, seat belt assemblies, and seat belt assembly anchorage requirements, but not with regard to sleeper berth restraint requirements. Another rule on sleeper berth specifications was published on April 26, 1974 (39 FR 14710). It amended Sec. 393.76 by increasing the minimum interior dimensions required for sleeper berths. The rule omitted specific references to trucks and truck-tractors but made no substantive changes to adapt the regulation to the different design configurations of motorcoaches. Available information indicates that many sleeper berths installed on motorcoaches today are located in the baggage area. This area is modified to allow the doors to be opened from inside the compartment, and by adding a mattress, air conditioning, heat, and a means of communication with the driver. In order to meet the current requirement of Sec. 393.76(c)(1) for direct and ready means of exit from the sleeper berth into the driver's seat or compartment, an aperture that meets the exit dimensional requirements must be cut into the floor of the motorcoach. This reduces the seating capacity of the motorcoach. The FHWA would like to know about other motorcoach sleeper berth designs which may or may not meet the current requirements of Sec. 393.76. The FHWA is requesting public comment on the question of whether, and if so how, existing sleeper berth regulations should be amended to address design differences between motorcoaches and commercial trucks. Questions The FHWA would appreciate comments on the following questions. Commenters are also encouraged to discuss any other matters related to sleeper berths on motorcoaches which they believe the FHWA should address. 1. Should existing sleeper berth regulations be amended to account for design differences between motorcoaches and trucks? If so, what changes should be made and why? 2. What is the current extent of sleeper berth usage within the motorcoach industry? 3. How many motorcoaches have been manufactured with sleeper berths as part of their original equipment? How and where are these sleeper berths installed? How many comply with Sec. 393.76? How many do not? 4. How many motorcoaches have been retrofitted with sleeper berths? How and where are these sleeper berths installed? How many comply with Sec. 393.76? How many do not? 5. Do after-market changes, such as cutting holes in the floor or modifying the cargo compartment, affect the structural integrity of the motorcoach? 6. The FHWA notes that if a driver sleeper berth is located within the baggage area and occupied while the motorcoach is in operation, the occupant could be vulnerable to a side impact collision. Are special requirements needed to ensure the occupants' safety? 7. If a driver sleeper berth is located in the baggage area of a motorcoach, should its location be restricted (e.g., only the forward- most portion of the baggage area)? If the sleeper berth is used while the vehicle is in operation, would having the sleeper berth near the rear of the motorcoach subject persons occupying the berth to excessive heat, noise, or exhaust? 8. The current requirements of Sec. 393.76 for a direct and ready means of exit from the sleeper berth into the driver's seat or compartment may be design-restrictive for motorcoaches. Should the exit requirements allow a ready means of exit into the passenger compartment of the motorcoach instead of the driver's seat or compartment? 9. Would separate motorcoach sleeper berth regulations enhance motorcoach safety or benefit the motorcoach industry? If yes, how? Rulemaking Analyses and Notices All comments received before the close of business on the comment closing date indicated above will be considered and will be available for examination in the docket at the above address. Comments received after the comment closing date will be filed in the docket and will be considered to the extent practical. In addition to late comments, the FHWA will also continue to file relevant information in the docket as it becomes available after the comment closing date, and interested persons should continue to examine the docket for new material. Executive Order 12866 (Regulatory Planning and Review) and DOT Regulatory Policies and Procedures The FHWA has determined that this document does not contain a ``significant regulatory action'' under Executive Order 12866 or a ``significant'' regulation under the regulatory policies and procedures of the DOT. Due to the preliminary nature of this document and lack of necessary information on costs, however, the FHWA is unable to evaluate the economic impact of potential changes to regulatory requirements concerning the use and design of driver sleeper berths in the motorcoach industry. Based on the information received in response to this notice, the FHWA intends to carefully consider the costs and benefits associated with possible amendments to the regulations. Comments, information, and data are solicited on the economic impact of the potential changes. Regulatory Flexibility Act Due to the preliminary nature of this document and lack of necessary information on costs, the FHWA is unable to evaluate the effects of the potential regulatory changes on small entities. Based on the information received in response to this notice, the FHWA intends, in compliance with the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601-612), to carefully consider the economic impacts of these potential changes on small entities. The FHWA solicits comments, information, and data on these impacts. Executive Order 12612 (Federalism Assessment) This action has been analyzed in accordance with the principles and criteria contained in Executive Order 12612, and it has been determined that this action does not have sufficient federalism implications to warrant the preparation of a federalism assessment. Executive Order 12372 (Intergovernmental Review) Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Program Number 20.217, Motor Carrier Safety. The regulations implementing Executive Order 12372 regarding intergovernmental consultation on Federal programs and activities apply to this program. Paperwork Reduction Act This action does not contain a collection of information requirement for purposes of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.) National Environmental Policy Act This agency has analyzed this action for the purpose of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) and has determined that this action would not have any effect on the quality of the environment. Regulation Identification Number A regulatory identification number (RIN) is assigned to each regulatory action listed in the Unified Agenda of Federal Regulations. The Regulatory Information Service Center publishes the Unified Agenda in April and October of each year. The RIN contained in the heading of this document can be used to cross reference this action with the Unified Agenda. List of Subjects in 49 CFR Part 393 Freight transportation, Highway safety, Highways and roads, Motor carriers, Motor vehicle safety. Authority: 49 U.S.C. app. 2505; 49 U.S.C. 3102; 49 CFR 1.48. Issued on January 5, 1994. Rodney E. Slater, Federal Highway Administrator. [FR Doc. 94-738 Filed 1-11-94; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4910-22-P