The New York Times
September 9, 1907
The registrations as compiled by the Auto Directories Company show that about 230,000 registrations of automobiles have been taken out in this country, covering forty states. A number of cars are registered, owing to the special State laws, in two or more States, so that this number is considerably in excess of the actual number of acrs in use in America, which according to the most reliable statistics, is about 150,000.
The Directors of the American Automobile Association will hold their regular monthly meeting in this city on Sept. 19. Matters of considerable importance will be discussed, and the prospects of next year's Vanderbilt Cup race will be carefully considered.
A meeting of the Directors of the American Automobile Association will be held during the last week of this month. The racing and touring outlook for 1908 will be discussed, and plans will probably be perfected to introduce the uniform automobile bill into the Legislatures of a number of States this season.
Among the late concerns to be admitted to membership in the American Motor Car Manufacturers' Association, prior to the allotment of space for the Grand Central Palace Show, was the Kingston Motor Car Company of Kingston, N. Y., in which are interested E. R. Thomas, O. F. Thomas, F. E. Moscovitz, and W. Gould Brokaw. The entire output of the concern, whose car is a four-cylinder runabout selling at $4,000 and known as the A. K., will be marketed by the Allen-Kingston Motor Company of New York, the President of which is Walter C. Allen, who is also President of the De Dietrich Import Company.
The annual automobile show luncheon of the American Motor Car Manufacturers' Association will be held at the Manhattan Hotel on Tuesday, Oct. 29, during the week of the automobile show at Grand Central Palace.
As an indication of the confidence that the Maxwell-Briscoe Motor Company has in the future of the automobile business, it is interesting to note that in spite of the general depression and tightness of the money market, and also in the face of the failure of several well-known automobile companies, the Maxwell-Briscoe Motor Company is adding an addition to its plant at Tarrytown, consisting of a building 60 by 200 feet, to be used for assembling motors.
Chairman Frank B. Hower of the American Automobile Association Touring Board was in town last week from Buffalo discussing in an informal way several plans that have been suggested for next year's A. A. A. run. It is more than probable that Mr. Hower will be asked to continue as Chairman of the Touring Board.