Topics: American Automobile Association
The New York Times
April 22, 1907
Conditions for Long Island Event May Be Announced This Week.
Energetic Work Accomplished In West by Secretary Elliott - Pennsylvania Returns to A. A. A.
President W. H. Hotchkiss of the American Automobile Association and several other officers will be in town this week to attend the regular meeting of the Executive Committee. The meeting will be important in several respects, for besides the election of four or five new State organizations that have been formed within the last two weeks and new clubs, it is expected that some statement will be made by Chairman Frank B. Hower of the Touring Board regarding the objections that have been made against the rules for the Glidden Cup contest. It is not at all improbable that some information may also be vouchsafed to the American manufacturers who are preparing to build and enter cars for the Vanderbilt Cup contest of the changes contemplated in the rules to govern this year's contest.
Jefferson De Mont Thompson, Chairman of the Racing Board, said that he hoped to call a meeting of his committee this week, and, if possible, he will arrange it so that President Hotchkiss may attend. A meeting of the Long Island Motor Parkway will also be held this week. Plans were discussed at the meeting of the Plan and Scope Committee last week for building a slightly longer course for the big cup race than had at first been deemed possible, and as practically all the details have been completed, a definite announcement may be made this week of the exact route for the racing circuit.
It was learned last week that, owing to the lack of positive information concerning the conditions for the race and the course, some manufacturers who had started to build new racing cars have stopped all work on them, pending more definite instructions about the race. The members of the Racing Board and the Directors of the Parkway have repeatedly stated that everything was progressing satisfactorily for the big event, but the public, or that part of it which supports the event by entering cars, would like to know a few solid facts as to where and when and how it is supposed to hold the race.
The greatest work that has been done thus far by the new officers of the American Automobile Association has been in organizing and stimulating State work in different parts of the country. Secretary Frederick H. Elliott will return to the city to-day, after an absence of nearly two weeks in the West. He has visited over a score of clubs, and succeeded in organizing State associations in Maryland, Indiana, Missouri, and Michigan. The Louisville Automobile Club of Kentucky held its annual meeting during the visit of Mr. Elliott, and voted to join the national body. As three clubs are necessary for a State organization the Louisville autoists are now endeavoring to secure the cooperation of other clubs in Kentucky for the purpose of joining the A. A. A. as a State body next month. Missouri has three clubs, St. Louis, Macon, and Kansas City. Maryland has three clubs, Baltimore, Hagerstown, and Roland Park, while Indiana has four, the Indiana Club of Indianapolis, Kokomo, South Bend, and Richmond.